Late Summer Assessments
15 July 2022
Arrangements for LSA August-September 2022
All centrally managed Late Summer Assessments will be delivered on-line via AssessmentUCL. The exams will run from 22 August to 9 September.
Examination Timetable
The central assessment timetable will be sent to students via email on 25 July. Please note that students will NOT be able to access this through Portico.
Students will be given information on how to access their timetable on-line and add it to their calendars should they wish to do so. This information can also be found at: Exam Timetables.
We anticipate that students will be able to view which exams they have on AssessmentUCL from 16 August onwards. After this date, they should check very carefully and let us know immediately if any appears to be missing.
Practice Exam
All students have been invited to take part in a practice exam to allow them to familiarise themselves with the AssessmentUCL platform in advance of their examinations. They should be encouraged to complete the practice exam at least once, using the same device and software that they plan to use during their exams. Further information can be found at the practice exam section of our exam pages.
It is particularly important that students who will be expected to complete hand-written work practise converting work into a pdf file in advance, as this could help to avert any issues on the day.
WiFi - Advice for Students
ISD has provided some information on how to connect to Wi-Fi where one’s own Wi-Fi may not be reliable. Especially in relation to students in China using China Connect and for students (and staff) in the UK to enable the use of BT Wi-fi without a BT account.
Remote Support for Staff and Students
Staff from ISD, Digital Education and UCL Examinations will be available 08:00 – 20:00 throughout the examination period. Information and links can be found on the online support page and the staff support page
Queries from Students
Any students with queries should first be referred to our web pages at: Exams and assessments; and should direct any further queries to the Central Assessment Team via AskUCL.
Further information for Departmental Staff
The following resources are available for staff requiring assistance with AssessmentUCL:
Your Digital Assessment Advisor will be on-hand to help you with any issues that you may have while using AssessmentUCL.
Contact details for further information: