
Student and Registry Services


Prevent Duty training

Find out more about the Prevent training that we provide to staff.

All staff including honorary staff and PhD students are required to complete the Prevent E-Learning course as part of their mandatory training. The Prevent E-Learning course includes information and guidelines on how to deal with concerns at UCL. This page provides UCL staff and students with details on how to access UCL's online Prevent training.

Access the Prevent training now

Before you begin: Please be aware that the training includes videos and you will require headphones. Close captioning is also included on all videos.

If you wish to leave the course and resume at a later stage, you must click on the grey X in the top right hand corner of the training module to ensure your progress is saved before you close the browser.


Please follow these instructions to enrol on the course:

  1. Access the mandatory training page
  2. Scroll down to the section titled "To be completed within your first 6 weeks of employment at UCL"
  3. Click on the Prevent training link 
  4. Login with your UCL credentials (User ID: ccxxxx and Password
  5. Select the course
  6. Click 'enrol'
  7. Click 'Yes'
  8. Click 'Start' to begin

Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the privacy notice.

If you would like to provide feedback or have any questions regarding the information on this website please email the SRS Compliance team .  



Frequently asked questions

I am unable to log in to UCL single sign-on (using my UCL username and password)

Please ensure that you have read the instructions on the UCL single sign-on page. If you are still unable to log in you may need to reset your password.

I do not know my UCL user ID

If you do not know your UCL userID you need to contact your computer rep and discuss this with them. A list of computer reps by department. (Your UCL user ID is also your UCL username and password.)

I have forgotten my UCL password

You will need to reset your password.

I am unable to find the course

Please ensure that you have read the instructions. If you are still unable to access the training course please contact the SRS Compliance team .

I started the course, but want to continue on another device, can I do so?

Yes. If you leave the course part way through you can resume it on another device/platform. You will need to login the same way that you did the first time, and you will receive a notification asking if you would like to resume the course; select yes, and you will re-start where you left off.

I am having difficulty understanding the questions in the course

Please contact the SRS Compliance team to discuss further.

Can I partially complete and return to the course on another day?

Yes. You can leave the course part way and resume it at another time to suit you. You will need to login the same way that you did the first time, and you will receive a notification asking if you would like to resume the course; select yes, and you will start where you left off.

Will my completion of the course be recorded and reported?

Yes, please refer to the privacy notice at the top of this page for further details.

Why do we need to complete Prevent training?

Under the Prevent Duty Guidance, UCL staff members are to complete this module to help raise awareness and understanding of the Prevent Duty. The course will also offer practical support and advice to support UCL’s safeguarding and wellbeing agenda, by giving staff the skills to meet the needs of our students.

Is the training mandatory?

Yes, the training is a mandatory requirement for staff and students, including honorary staff and PhD students. Staff who are employed by an NHS trust and UCL must complete both sets of mandatory training as there is currently no facility for sharing and recording this information between institutions. 

Who should complete the training?

All part-time and full-time staff, as well as honorary staff and PhD students.

I have completed Prevent training at another organisation - do I still have to do the training?

Yes, the training is a mandatory requirement for staff and students including staff who have completed training with another organisation for example an NHS trust. Staff who are employed by an NHS trust and UCL need to complete both sets of mandatory training as there is currently no facility for sharing and recording this information between institutions. 

Further Information

UCL Human Resources also have a list of FAQs around using the LearnUpon system and mandatory training at UCL.