
Student and Registry Services


Prevent at UCL

Our approach to Prevent is primarily one of safeguarding the welfare of our students and staff. We also balance the duty against our commitment to freedom of speech and other key legislation.

The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (CTSA) creates a statutory duty for specified public authorities to 'have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism'. Prevent is one of four strands of the government’s counter-terrorism strategy. Compliance with the duty in England is monitored by the Office for Students (OfS).

Government Guidance requires that universities have in place policies for external speakers and events, the training of staff, welfare and pastoral care, and IT usage. It also makes clear that the approach to Prevent should be reasonable and proportionate. 


UCL Portico columns

Our approach

We have adopted a proportionate and risk based approach to the Prevent Duty which covers welfare, events, training and partnerships.

Find out more about the lega background

Legal background and UCL policy framework

Our approach to the duty is underpinned by both external legal context and an internal framework of policies and procedures.

Full lecture theatre

External speakers

We have a a long tradition of seeking to safeguard freedom of speech and are committed to upholding academic freedom of enquiry.

Close-up of a hand writing in a notebook


Our online course provides an overview of Prevent as well as guidelines for how to deal with concerns at UCL.

Find what to do if you're concerned about a student

Student of concern

What to do if you are concerned about the behaviour of a student or if a student has stopped engaging completely.

Contact the Prevent lead

Key contacts

Find out who to contact for further information about our approach to Prevent. 

Hands typing on a laptop


Guidance on supporting and safeguarding students both in person and online