
The Centre for Planetary Sciences at UCL / Birkbeck



Key Contacts:

DirectorProf Nick Achilleosnicholas.achilleos@ucl.ac.uk
Centre Coordinator / Scientific OfficerDr Joanna Fabbrijoanna.fabbri@ucl.ac.uk
Planetary Science MSc Programme Lead & Admissions TutorProf Giovanna Tinettig.tinetti@ucl.ac.uk
Marketing and Outreach OfficerKaren Anne Devoilkaren.devoil.17@ucl.ac.uk

CPS Board members:

Prof Nick Achilleos (Director, UCL P&A)Dr Louisa Preston (UCL MSSL)
Dr Maxim Ballmer (UCL Earth Sciences)Dr Andrew Rushby (Birkbeck)
Prof Andrew Coates (UCL MSSL)Dr Joanna Fabbri (Centre Coordinator / Scientific Officer, UCL P&A)
Prof Ian Crawford (Birkbeck) 

Add @ucl.ac.uk to all email addresses, unless stated otherwise.

Academic Staff
Name and Position:Research Interests:Department:Email:
Prof Nick Achilleos, Professor of Planetary PhysicsModelling and observation of the ionospheres and magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn; Solar Wind - Atmosphere Interaction (non-magnetized planets);  Solar Wind - Magnetosphere Interaction (magnetized planets).Physics and Astronomy, UCL nicholas.achilleos
Dr Byron Adams, Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellow/LecturerTectonic Geomorphology; Mars surface processes; geochronolgy; planetary exploration mission simulation.Earth Sciences, UCLbyron.adams
Prof Dario Alfe, Professor of PhysicsCondensed Matter Physics / Mineral PhysicsEarth Sciences, UCLd.alfe
Prof Anasuya Aruliah, Professor of Auroral PhysicsThermosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere interactions; Fabry-Perot Interferometers and all-sky interferometers; Neutral wind dynamo;  Meso-scale structure and dynamics in the high-latitude upper atmosphere.Physics and Astronomy, UCLa.aruliah
Dr Maxim Ballmer, Associate Professor in GeodynamicsThe structure and evolution of planetary mantlesEarth Sciences, UCLm.ballmer
Prof Paul Bown, Professor of MicropalaeontologyVarious aspects of calcareous nannoplankton which have an abundant and long fossil record and are principally used in sediment dating/correlation and palaeoceanography, with more recent applications in palaeobiology, evolution and biomineralisation studies.Earth Sciences, UCLp.bown
Dr Charlie Bristow, Professor of SedimentologySedimentologyEarth & Planetary Sciences, Birkbeckc.bristow
Prof John Brodholt, Professor of Mineral PhysicsGeophysics and Mineral PhysicsEarth Sciences, UCLj.brodholt
Prof Andrew Coates, Professor of Physics, Deputy Director (Solar System), MSSLPlanetary magnetospheres; Plasma interaction with comets, Mars, Venus, Titan, Enceladus; Planetary surface imaging; Measuring water density in Mars' atmosphere from the surface; Radiation effects on the surface of Mars; Earth's magnetosphere and bow shock; Space weather and effects on spacecraft.Planetary Science, MSSL, UCLa.coates
Prof Ian Crawford, Professor of Planetary Science and AstrobiologyLunar Science; Planetary Exploration; Astrobiology.School of Natural Sciences, Birkbecki.crawford{at}bbk.ac.uk
Dr Francisco Diego, Senior Teaching Fellow, University of London ObservatoryPublic outreach; Optical instrumentation.Physics and Astronomy, UCLfd{at}star.ucl.ac.uk
Prof David Dobson, Associate Professor of Earth MaterialsHigh-pressure experiments on deep Earth materials; Synthesis and properties of new Fe-alloy phases relevant to the core; Transport properties of mantle mineral rocks and minerals; Deep seismicity.Earth Sciences, UCLd.dobson
Prof Hilary Downes, Professor of GeochemistryOrigin and evolution of the Earth’s continental lower crust and the lithospheric upper mantle.Earth & Planetary Sciences, Birkbeckh.downes
Prof Jay Farihi, Professor of AstrophysicsExoplanets; Disks, planets, and asteroids in evolved stellar systems.Physics and Astronomy, UCLj.farihi
Prof Andrew Fazakerley, Professor of Space Plasma Physics; Head of Department of Space and Climate PhysicsSpace Plasma Physics/Magnetospheric Physics; Investigating magnetospheric phenomena using co-ordinated multi-spacecraft datasets; Inter-experiment in-flight cross-calibration.Space Plasma Physics, MSSL, UCLa.fazakerley
Dr Steve Fossey, Teaching Fellow in Astronomy, UCL Observatory (UCLO)Extrasolar planets; Interstellar medium;  Molecular astrophysics; Diffuse Interstellar Bands.Physics and Astronomy, UCLs.fossey
Dr Keyron Hickman-Lewis, Lecturer  School of Natural Sciences, Birkbeckk.hickman-lewis{at}bbk.ac.uk
Dr Eleanor Jennings, Lecturer in GeochemistryPlanetary accretion using modern volcanic materials to understand early atmosphere degassing and loss.School of Natural Sciences, Birkbecke.jennings{at}bbk.ac.uk
Dr Mihkel Kama, Lecturer in Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy, UCLm.kama
Prof Nick Lane, Professor of Evolutionary BiochemistryEvolutionary biochemistry and bioenergetics.Genetics, Evolution & Environment, Div. of Biosciences, UCL nick.lane
Prof Christopher Owen, Professor of PhysicsSpace plasma physics and Magnetospheric physics.Space Plasma Physics, MSSL, UCLc.owen
Dr Louisa Preston, Lecturer in Planetary ScienceAstrobiology; Planetary geologyPlanetary Science, MSSL, UCLl.preston
Prof David Price, Professor of Mineral Physics and Vice Provost (Research)CMR; Earth History; Earth's core; Earth's mantle; Computational science; Flood basalts; Impacts; Mass extinction; Mineral physics; Molecular dynamics; Quantum mechanics.Earth Sciences, UCLd.price 
Prof Gerald Roberts, Professor of Earthquake GeologyThe growth of active normal faults and how their slip-rates and growth control earthquake recurrence and seismic hazards.School of Natural Sciences, Birkbeckgerald.roberts
Dr Andrew Rushby, Lecturer in AstrobiologyPlanetary habitabilitySchool of Natural Sciences, Birkbeck a.rushby{at}bbk.ac.uk
Prof Peter Sammonds, Professor of Geophysics, Director of Institute for Risk & Distaster ReductionRock & Ice Physics: Mechanics of the Earth's crust and ice sheets by studying the fundamental physics and mechanics of geological materials; Impacts of climate change and natural hazards.Earth Sciences, UCLp.sammonds
Prof Joanne Santini, Professor of Microbiology

Diverse and interdisciplinary research, ranging from arsenic metabolism, to microbial bioleaching and extremophiles, bacteriophages and gut microbiomes.

Structural & Molecular Biology, Div. of Biosciences, UCLj.santini
Prof Giorgio Savini, Professor of AstrophysicsInstrumentation: modeling and calibration of optical elements and instruments in the infrared and sub-mm wavelength range. Payload Scientist on ESA Ariel Exoplanet space mission. Physics and Astronomy, UCLg.savini
Prof Alan Smith, Professor of Detector PhysicsSpace technologies; Systems engineering with an enterprise context; Technology planning.MSSL, UCLalan.smith
Dr Ellen Stofan, Honorary ProfessorGeology of Venus, Mars, Titan, and Earth.Earth Sciences, UCLellen{at}proxemy.com 
Prof Jonathan Tennyson, Professor of PhysicsTheory of small molecules. In particular, computing spectra of these molecules (e.g. water) and colliding electrons (and occasionally positrons) with them, to investigate the astrophysical, atmospheric, plasma-related and other consequences of these processes. Physics and Astronomy, UCLj.tennyson
Prof Giovanna Tinetti, Professor of AstrophysicsExoplanets characterisation; Atmospheric and Planetary science; Radiative Transfer modelling.Physics and Astronomy, UCLg.tinetti
Dr Michel Tsamados, Associate Professor in Polar Observation & ModellingUnderstanding the climate of the Earth's polar regions from combined modelling and remote sensing techniques. Applications to icy worlds.Earth Sciences, UCLm.tsamados
Dr Vincent Van Eylen, Associate Professor of ExoplanetsCharacterization of exoplanets and their host stars, to learn about planet formation and evolution as well as the architecture of planetary systems.Planetary Science, MSSL, UCLv.vaneylen

Prof Lidunka Vocadlo, Professor of Mineral Physics, Head of Department, UCL Earth Sciences

Ab initio simulation of the thermoelastic, melting and dynamic properties of planetary forming materials; Cryogenic-high T /high P experiments on planetary-forming materials; Ab initio simulation of the high P/T properties of metals.Earth Sciences, UCLl.vocadlo 
Dr Ingo Waldmann, Associate Professor in Extrasolar Planets - On secondmentHigh resolution atmospheric spectra of exoplanets; Modelling of planetary atmospheres; Photometry of transiting extrasolar planets; Detecting extrasolar planets using radial velocity and microlensing techniques.Physics and Astronomy, UCL  ingo.waldmann 
Prof Ian Wood, Professor of CrystallographyCrystallography; X-ray and neutron powder diffraction; High pressure and high/low temperature diffraction experiments; Clay minerals; Planetary ices.Earth Sciences, UCLian.wood
Prof Sergey Yurchenko, Professor of PhysicsThe physics of molecules ranging from the theoretical high resolution spectroscopy to the modelling of molecular properties in different environments, including atmospheres of exoplanets, hot combustion gases as well as porous nano-structures.Physics and Astronomy, UCL  s.yurchenko
Research Staff
Name and Position:Research Interests:Department:Email:
Dr Jac van Driel, Research FellowComposition and Internal Structure of Planetary CoresEarth Sciences, UCLjack.driel.12
Dr William Dunn, Senior Research FellowJupiter's X-Ray Emission and Aurora; Exoplanets; Orbyts - Science EducationPhysics and Astronomy, UCLw.dunn
Dr Billy Edwards, Project Scientist Twinkle Space MIssionSpectroscopy of Transiting Exoplanets; Twinkle Space MissionPhysics and Astronomy, UCLbilly.edwards.16
Dr Colin Forsyth, Senior Research FellowSpace plasma physics; Magnetospheric physics; Auroral physicsSpace Plasma Physics, MSSL, UCLcolin.forsyth
Dr Zixiao Guo, Honorary Research AssociateBiosignatures and fossil records from early Earth; Biogeochemical cycles of C, S, Fe and Cu in solid Earth, in order to understand the co-evolution of biosphere and the Earth system; Origin of graphite in Eoarchean banded iron formationsEarth Sciences, UCLzixiao.guo
Dr Emily Ingman,  Postdoctoral ResearcherAstrobiologyPlanetary Science, MSSL, UCLe.ingman
Dr Haiyang Luo, Postdoctoral ResearcherModeling of planetary materials; Structure and properties of silicate melts; Element partitioning and isotope fractionation; Evaporation and diffusion of elements and isotopes.Earth Sciences, UCLhaiyang.luo
Dr Marco Rocchetto, Honorary Senior Research FellowRobotic telescope systems; Bayesian retrieval techniques; Modelling of exoplanetary atmospheres; Molecular cross-sections; Time-series photometryPhysics and Astronomy, UCLm.rocchetto
Dr Yu Tao, Visiting Research FellowImaging science; 3D reconstructio; Machine vision; Planetary scienceImaging, MSSL, UCLyu.tao
Dr Marcell Tessenyi, Senior Research AssociateUnderstanding exoplanet atmospheres through infrared spectroscopy; Twinkle space missionPhysics and Astronomy, UCL m.tessenyi 

Dr Shahab Varkouhi, 
Research Associate

Botryoidal quartz as possible abiotic biosignatures in Archean chertsEarth Sciences, UCLs.varkouhi
Dr Anne Wellbrock, Research AssociatePlasma interactions with unmagnetised bodies in the solar system, especially Titan.Planetary Science, MSSL, UCLa.wellbrock
Dr (Kai) Gordon Yip, Postdoctoral ResearcherExoplanets; Machine Learning techniques; Radiative transfer model, TauRExPhysics and Astronomy, UCLkai.yip.13
Postgraduate Students
Name and funding body:Research Interests:Department:Email:
Ahlam Al QasimExoplanetsAstrophysics, MSSL, UCLahlam.alqasim.17
Lara AnismanPhysics of exoplanetary atmospheres; Spectrum retrievals of atmospheres; Characterization of exoplanetsPhysics and Astronomy, UCL lara.anisman.18
Connor BallardSpectral detection of biosignatures within ancient terrestrial lake deposits as analogues for MarsPlanetary Science, MSSL, UCLconnor.ballard.21
Ryan BradyExoplanetary atmospheres; Theoretical high-resolution spectroscopy; Computational quantum mechanicsPhysics and Astronomy, UCLryan.brady.17
Jessica CaughtryGeochemistry, physics and extremophile microbiology associated with sulphur-ice environments and applying this knowledge as an analogue for icy moons like EuropaPlanetary Science, MSSL, UCL jessica.caughtry.22
Kan ChenHydrodynamical modelling of planet-forming disksPhysics and Astronomy, UCLkan.chen.21
Matthew (I Kit) ChengSpace Plasma Physics; Magnetospheric PhysicsPhysics and Astronomy, UCLi.cheng.19
Jack DaveyExoplanet Atmospheric modellingPhysics and Astronomy, UCLjack.davey.22
Graham DriverCharacterising glacier-like forms on Mars: Geomorphology, motions, and processesSchool of Natural Sciences, Birkbeckgdrive01@mail.bbk.ac.uk
Ross DobsonExoplanetsAstrophysics, MSSL, UCLross.dobson.17
Max HippersonArtificial intelligence; Machine learning; Remote sensing; Planetary surfacesPhysics and Astronomy, UCLmax.hipperson.15
Cynthia HoExoplanetsAstrophysics, MSSL, UCLsze.ho.20
Andrew JamiesonInvestigating the thermoeleastic properties of the [Fe,Ni]3Si system in conditions relevant to Mars and other smaller planetary bodiesEarth Sciences, UCLa.jamieson.17
Sushuang MaExoplanet Atmospheric modelling Physics and Astronomy, UCLsushuang.ma.20
Hannah OsborneExoplanetsAstrophysics, MSSL, UCLhannah.osborne.19
Lewis PinaultSETI in the Solar System: Geochemical/ other detection systems for micron-scale evidence of Non-Terrestrial Artefacts (NTAs); Algorithms & search systems for detection of larger NTA fragments in high-resolution satellite imagerySchool of Natural Sciences, Birkbeckl.pinault
Cristian RadulescuOuter Planet MagnetospheresPlanetary Science, MSSL, UCL cristian.radulescu.17
Patricio Reller GarciaDeep learning and AI; Data-intensive exoplanetary science; Distributed and high-performance computing; Research software engineering (citizen science tools)Physics and Astronomy, UCL / CDT-DISpatricio.reller
Akshay RobertWhite Dwarf Planetary Systems; Transits and VariabilityPhysics and Astronomy, UCL akshay.robert.22
Arianna SabaAtmospheric detection and characterization of exoplanets; Ground-based and space-based high resolution spectroscopy; Data Analysis Machine LearningPhysics and Astronomy, UCL arianna.saba.20
Alexandre SantosMagnetospheric Physics; Planetary Systems; Astrodynamics; Machine LearningPhysics and Astronomy, UCL alexandre.santos.21
Wilfrid SomogyiExoplanetary atmospheres; Theoretical high-resolution spectroscopy; Computational quantum mechanics; Diatomic moleculesPhysics and Astronomy, UCL  wilfrid.somogyi.15
Tara TahseenMachine learning in Exoplanet General Circulation ModelsPhysics and Astronomy, UCL / CDT-DIStara.tahseen.22
Anna ThomasPlanet & star formation/evolution; Exoplanet composition; Chemical tracers of planet formation historyPhysics and Astronomy, UCL annaleice.thomas.22
Alexandra ThompsonExoplanet retrieval codes; Stellar activity and characterisation of exoplanet host stars; Atmospheric properties of exoplanetsPhysics and Astronomy, UCL  alex.thompson.17
Antonia VojtekovaMachine learning in Exoplanet ChemistryPhysics and Astronomy, UCL / CDT-DISantonia.vojtekova.22
Nikolay WaltersMachine learning techniques; Carbon stars; Magnetic white dwarfsPhysics and Astronomy, UCLnikolay.walters.15
Angharad WeeksExoplanetsAstrophysics, MSSL, UCLangharad.weeks.20
Hannah WoodwardExoplanets; atmospheric and planetary science; planetary habitability; climate modellingSchool of Natural Sciences, Birkbeckhannah.woodward.21
Samuel WrightExoplanets; Exoplanet atmospheres; Atmospheric spectroscopy; Data analysis; Machine learningPhysics and Astronomy, UCLsamuel.wright.13
Elena ZahariaSurvival of basal magma oceans on planets and super earths Earth Sciences, UCLelena.zaharia.21 
Emeritus and honorary staff
Name and Position:Research Interests:Department:Email:
Prof Alan Aylward, Emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Physics(Terrestrial) thermospheric and ionospheric physics; Incoherent Scatter Radar; Planetary upper atmospheres and ionospheres; Modelling of terrestrial and planetary atmospheres.Physics and Astronomy, UCLa.aylward
Geoffrey Baron, Honorary Teaching SupportMineral physics of planetary icesEarth Sciences, UCLg.baron.16
Prof Donald Braben, Honorary Professor Earth Sciences, UCLd.braben
Dr Kevin Fong, Honorary Senior Lecturer in PhysiologyExtreme environment physiology; Long-duration human space flight; Aerospace medicine.Centre for Anaethesia, UCLk.fong
Prof Patrick Guio, Honorary ProfessorSpace plasma physics - Nonlinear waves and turbulence; Incoherent scattering - Theory and observation (EISCAT); High-performance computing - Plasma and planetary modelling.Physics and Astronomy, UCLp.guio
Dr Martin Homann, Honorary Research FellowOrigin and evolution of life on Earth, biosignatures on Mars. Earth Sciences, UCL m.homann
Prof Adrian P. Jones, Emeritus Professor in PetrologyIgneous PetrologyEarth Sciences, UCL adrian.jones
Dr Lauren Mc Keown, Honorary Research AssociatePlanetary surface processes (particularly those on Mars and icy moons); Ice sublimation geomorphology; Planetary analogue laboratory experiments under low pressure; Planetary surface change detection techniques.School of Natural Sciences, Birkbeckl.mckeown{at}bbk.ac.uk
Dr Mario Morvan, Honarary Research AssociateObservation of exoplanets; Machine & Deep LearningPhysics and Astronomy, UCLmario.morvan
Prof Steve Miller, Emeritus Professor of Planetary Science and Science CommunicationChemistry and dynamics of the atmospheres of the Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Titan; Chemistry and dynamics of extra-solar planets; Using H3+ to investigate planetary atmospheres and the early Universe.Physics and Astronomy, UCLs.miller
Prof Jan-Peter Muller, Emeritus Professor of Image Understanding and Remote Sensing, MSSLLife detection on other planets (in our solar system & beyond); Comparative morphology for understanding surface processes using 3D terrain; Highly turbulent flow and how Giant Planets' banded structure and long-lived storms can persist; Sub-surface imaging systems from space.Imaging, MSSL, UCLj.muller
Prof Kevin Pickering, Emeritus Professor of Sedimentology and StratigraphyEarth surface processes (particularly all aspects of deep-marine sedimentology, stratigraphy and tectonics); Surface processes on Venus; Global environmental issues; Stratigraphy, tectonics and sedimentation; Sediment geochemistry and clay mineralogy, particularly relating to deep-marine environments.Earth Sciences, UCLkt.pickering
Dr Ellen Stofan, Honorary ProfessorGeology of Venus, Mars, Titan, and Earth.Earth Sciences, UCLellen{at}proxemy.com 
Prof John Ward, Emeritus Professor of Biochemical EngineeringThe use of bacteria, enzymes and phages to develop new chemicals, pathways and active entities.Structural & Molecular Biology, Div. of Biosciences, UCLj.ward
Prof Duncan Wingham, Honorary ProfessorThe flow and mass exchange of the Earth's ice sheets through the use of ultra-precise measurements from Earth orbiting satellites.Earth Sciences, UCLduncan.wingham


CPS Associates

Previous CPS members and associates of the group:

Dr Qasim AfghanComet observations

Dr Louise Alexander

Lunar geochemistry 

Dr Claudio Arena

Exoplanets - Atmospheric Detection and Characterisation; Scientific Payloads Attitude and Orbital Control Systems (AOCS); Infrared and THz Optics and Instrumentation

Dr Chris Arridge 

Planetary magnetospheres; Robotic exploration of the solar system; Astrophysical magnetospheres.

Dr Bob Barber 

The optical properties of water; Water in comets.

Lee Bardon

Impact melting and vapourisation of planets, including the proto-Earth

Dr David Barnes

Heliospheric Physics; HELCATS (Heliospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and Technique Service) FP7 project using data from the STEREO twin spacecraft which is observing plasma structures in the solar wind.

Dr Jo Barstow (Eberhardt)

Planetary atmosphere modelling; Extrasolar planets

Dr Carolina Bergfors

Evolved stellar and planetary systems. Star and planet formation. Low mass stars and brown dwarfs.

Dr Kimberley Birkett


Dr Eleni Bohacek

ExoMars PanCam

James Braithwaite

Material behavior governing the evolution of the magma ocean

Dr George Brydon

Planetary penetrators

Dr Roberto Bugiolacchi

Lunar science; MoonZoo

Abigail Calzada-Diaz

Source regions of lunar meteorites

Dr Jacqueline Campbell

Hyperspectral imaging; Compositional mapping of dynamic features on Mars;
Martian polar regions; Detection of organics

Dr Fuencisla Canadas

Co-evolution of Neoproterozoic Biogeochemical Cycles

Dr George Cann

Simulation of biosignatures in the Martian atmosphere; Retrieval of martian atmospheric trace gases

Dr Quentin Changeat


Dr Mario Damiano


Dr Camila Danielski 


Dr Lewis Dartnell


Dr Joel DavisSurface processes on terrestrial planets; Geological and climate evolution of Mars; Arid landscapes and environment on Earth; DTM generation and change detection

Dr Lottie Davis 

Biomarkers in alkaline lakes and application to Mars

Ravindra Desai

Saturn's Magnetosphere, Spacecraft Instrumentation

Dr Zach Dickeson

Characterising the geology of the landing sites for the European Space Agencies upcoming ExoMars2020 rover mission

Dr Matthew Dodd

Biosignatures in Earth’s oldest sedimentary rocks

Dr Amy Edgington

Properties of core-forming and other deep-Earth materials and the implications these have on the behaviour and evolution of planetary interiors.

Dr Mohamed Ramy El-Maarry

Fracture mechanics in Solar System bodies, particularly Martian geology/geomorphology encompassing glacial/periglacial, volcanic and hydrological processes; geology/geomorphology of small bodies and moons.

Dr Marianna Felici

Cassini, Maven

Dr Alistair Francis

Sensor Independent Deep Learning for Detection Tasks with Optical Satellites

Dr Sam GrantIdentification and analysis of in-situ cometary ion tail encounters
Dr Zuri GrayPolarimetric observations of comets and asteroids

Dr Andrew D. Griffiths

Project Manager for the ExoMars PanCam instrument; Imaging the Martian surface and atmospheric phenomena; Determining landing site morphology from stereo images; Determining the altitude distribution of water vapour in the Martian atmosphere via solar spectral line absorption measurements.

Dr Pete Grindrod

Surface-atmosphere exchange and the history of water on Mars

Dr Samuel HalimThe survivability of lunar impactors

Dr Terence Hackwill

Lunar geology

Dr Cui Hang

Computational Mineral Physics

Dr Flavien Hardy

Planetary magnetosphere modelling; Solar wind - magnetosphere interaction; Accretion disks and planetary evolution

Prof Louise Harra

The trigger for solar flares and coronal mass ejections; Formation of the solar wind; The Sun-Earth connection

Dr Jennifer Harris

Martian meteorites, Mars analogues, VNIR mineral spectroscopy, PanCam.

Dr Richard Haythornthwaite

Enceladus; Titan; Plasma interactions 

Prof Karen Hudson-Edwards

Processes and products of the biogeochemical cycling of contaminants and nutrients in mine wastes, waters, dusts and contaminated land.

Huma Irfan

Planetary GIS, particularly Lunar GIS studies related to lunar digital elevation models and future lunar missions. 

Dr Caitriona Jackman

Solar wind - magnetosphere coupling; Magnetotail dynamics (Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter, Earth)

Dr Jamie Jasinski

Saturn's magnetosphere

Dr David Johnson

Atmospheric modelling; Data assimilation techniques; Space weather; Meteorolgy

Prof Geraint JonesPlanetary magnetospheres and interactions with rings and moons; Cometary science; Comet- and dust-solar wind interaction; Interaction of unmagnetised planets with the solar wind; Heliospheric physics.
Dr Luke KeyteElemental abundances in protoplanetary disks; Planetary formation and evolution; Spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres

Prof Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni

Geophysics and Geodynamics: the connection between the dynamics of planetary interiors and their surface expression, including the influence of dynamics on surface deformation and topography.

Jane MacArthur

Planetary Science MSc graduate

Dr Giulia Magnarini

The formation mechanism of long runout landslides on planetary bodies

Dr Adam Martins

Hydrogen and Helium at conditions of Gas Giant interiors (Now programmer at UK Met Office)

Dr Dimitrios MillasMagnetospheric modelling of giant planets

Dr Tom Nordheim

Moon-magnetosphere interactions at Saturn and Jupiter; Space weathering effects on un-magnetised bodies; Modelling of cosmic ray interactions in neutral atmospheres; Planetary robotics.

Dr Rok Nezic

Polarimetry of comets

Dr Lucy Norman

Astrobiology, Titan and the Self-Assembly of Amphiphiles

Dr Panagiotis Sidiropoulos

Pattern recognition; Machine learning; Image and video processing; Computer vision

Prof Dominic PapineauBiosignature in Precambrian sedimentary rocks, Raman spectroscopy, isotope biogeochemistry, organic geochemistry, organic petrology, diagenetic and metamorphic mineralogy, chemical evolution of the ocean and atmosphere, origin and evolution of life, exobiology.
Dr Priya PatelImage Processing Techniques for Studying Water in the Martian Atmosphere

Dr Divya Persaud

Development of Mars image data fusion and automated feature recognition for surface geology ahead of the ExoMars 2020 rover launch

Dr Nathan Pilkington

Magnetospheric physics 

Dr Wil Poole

Mars:South Polar Cap landforms; Surface roughness. Earth: Glaciers; Polar Caps; Surface roughness.

Dr Oliver Price

Fine Scale Structure in Cometary Dust Tails

Alfiah 'Kiky' Putri

Data Mining on Planetary Datasets (Mars)

Dr Yudish Ramanjooloo

Comets and their interaction with the Solar Wind

Dr Licia Ray

Comparative planetary magnetospheres; Auroral processes; Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling; Magnetospheric dynamics; Planetary ionospheres.

Dr Catherine ReganThe Influence of Dust Storms on the Induced Magnetosphere of Mars

Dr Leonardo Regoli

Cassini, Maven

Dr Amy Ronksley

Coupling of upper and lower atmosphere; 
SCANDI, FPIs and EISCAT radars;
Meteorology and space weather.

Dr Gillian SclaterPhysics of dissociating clathrates in cryovolcanic vents: application to Titan, Enceladus and Triton

Dr Elliot Sefton-Nash 

Mapping and understanding the composition, distribution and geologic influence of volatiles in the solar system. 

Dr Si-Ting Xiong

3D subsurface mapping; Martian Polar regions; Subsurface mapping in deserts

Dr Joshua Snape

Lunar meteorites and lunar regolith

Dr Arianna Sorba

Modelling planetary magnetospheres; Planetary aurorae; Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling (at Jupiter and Saturn)

Dr Roger Stabbins

Science preparations for ExoMars PanCam: Multispectral imaging of Martian geology and atmospherics

Dr Aaron Stinson

Polarimetry of small Solar System bodies

Prof Lars Stixrude

Large-scale planetary processes through investigations of the fundamental atomic-scale physics of Earth- and planet-forming materials; Mineral physics; Earth and planetary liquids and fluids; Condensed matter physics; High pressure physics; Planetary structure and evolution.

Dr Andrew Swann

Polluted white dwarfs; Exoplanetary systems

Dr Sam Taylor

Saturn's magnetosphere

Dr Angelos Tsiaras

Exoplanet spectroscopy

Indhu Varatharajan

Planetary Science MSc graduate

Prof Serena Viti


Dr Affelia Wibisono

X-ray aurora

Dr Fred Wilson

Thermodynamics of a MgO-CaO system under magma ocean conditions following giant impact

Dr Tom Wilson

Water production and chemistry in comets

Dr Marisa Wood

Birch’s Law: does it work for iron and iron alloys in planetary cores

Dr Bing Xiao

Computational Mineral Physics

Dr Japheth Yates

Exoplanets; Super Earths; 
Atmosphere-magnetosphere coupling; Planetary Atmospheres. 

Dr Tiziano Zingales

Exoplanets: Photometry of transiting planets

Notable Academics

Professor Graziella Branduardi-Raymont (MSSL 1974-1977, and 1979-2023)