Dr Craig Butts, NMR website
School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Cantock's Close, Bristol, BS8 1TS
Non-standard feature: 13C cryoprobe (>2000:1 13C sensitivity) and can run down to -40 °C
1H frequency: 500MHz
Console: AVIIIHD, 2014 vintage
Probe: DCH cryoprobe (1H/13C only), 50G/cm gradients
Temperature range: -40 to +80 °C
Turnaround time: Long acquisitions may have to wait 2-3 weeks for availability.
Staff availability for sample preparations: Yes, but we would charge @£100/hour.
Other: Charging for instrument time would be at UoB FEC rates (~£12/hour) + staff time for sample prep/disposal (this is not incorporated into our FEC rates, which assume the user prepares/disposes of the sample).