There are six Bruker NMR instruments in UCL Chemistry:
Avance Neo 700 equipped with a helium-cooled multinuclear cryoprobe 15N-31P/1H-19F and a 60-position sample changer
Avance III 600 equipped with a helium-cooled cryoprobe 1H/13C and a 60-position sample changer
Avance Neo 500 equipped with a room-temperature multinuclear gradient probe tunable to 109Ag-31P/1H and a 60-position sample changer
Avance Neo 400 equipped with room-temperature multinuclear gradient probe tunable to 109Ag-31P/19F-1H and a 24-position sample changer
Avance 300 equipped with a room-temperature gradient probe for 31P, 19F, 13C and 1H experiments and a 60-position sample changer.
Solid-state NMR spectrometer with a widebore 7 T magnet, Avance 300 console, magic-angle spinning multinuclear probes.
The NMR instruments can be found in the basement of Christopher Ingold Building (CIB) in room LG1B. All our spectrometers are open for access to researchers from UK universities and industrial companies. They have been already used by students and researchers from >40 UCL Chemistry groups, >20 UCL departments and institutes, >25 UK academic institutions/universities and >30 companies.