Dr Tomas Lebl, NMR website
University of St Andrews, KY16 9ST
Unusual feature(s):
19F triple resonance experiments, 31P triple resonance experiments and high temperature.
1H frequency:
500 MHz and 300 MHz Console type and age:
triple-channel AVIII-HD with 2 high frequency amps, 1 year
triple channel AV, about 15 years old
Probe(s), nuclei, gradients, age:
5mm 19F-TBO (1H,19F, BB)
10 mm 1H,13C, 31P-TXO
Temperature range: in theory -150 - 150 oC
Approximate number of hours per week for shared usage in
Aug-Oct: 24 h in August (Sep and Oct can be quite busy)
Nov-Jan: 24h Jan (Nov and Dec are busy months)
Feb-Apr: 0
May-Jul: 24h
Staff availability for sample preparations: No. We do not have facilities to prepare samples directly in the lab. Access to a fume-hood and other equipment can possibly be arranged.
Other matters not included above, if any: 24 h is a rough estimate. Considering that we are quite remote I assume people would rather come for couple of days to use the equipment once a month rather than 4 times for a day.