Research Culture Seminar Series
Research Culture Seminar Series 2022-23
Dr Stuart W. Flint, University of Leeds
'Raising awareness and intervening with conscious and unconscious bias'
Monday 29 September 2022, 1pm-2pm.
Dr Rosie Baruah & Dr Xander Stephenson-Allen, NHS
'Microaggressions, Allyship and Ethical EDI'
Monday 03 October 2022, 1pm-2pm.
Dr Nathalie Martinek, Healthcare Leadership Consultant
'Resisting Knowledge Vampirism: Protect your intellectual property'
Monday 31 October 2022, 1pm-2pm.
Dr Ashira Blazer MD, Academic Rheumatologist, New York
'Unconscious Bias (All of Us)'
Monday 28 November 2022, 1pm-2pm
Dr Justin Bullock, University of Washington School of Medicine
'Delivering Racial Equity in Academic Medicine’
Monday 30 January 2023, 1pm-2pm (Online only).
Professor Jack Iwashyna, Johns Hopkins University
'Personalised mentorship'
Monday 27 February 2023, 1pm-2pm.
Dr David Fajgenbaum MD, Perelman School of Medicine
'From Chasing My Cure to Chasing Our Cures; Lessons learned as a physician, patient, and researcher'
Monday 20 March 2023, 2.30pm-3.30pm
Professor Christina Pagel, Clinical Operational Research Unit, UCL
'Science Communication'
Monday 19 June 2023, 1pm-2pm
Dr Naftali Kaminski MD, Yale School of Medicine
'Is allyship even possible? A man’s view of the role of men in the fight for gender equity in medicine/science'
Monday 10 July, 1pm-2pm, Rockefeller 337