Computers on campus
Please note: If you need access to a computer remotely, please use Desktop@UCL Anywhere.
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Explore computers on campus
Computers in student workrooms
The computer workrooms are available for use by all UCL students and staff who are registered with ISD and have a user ID and password.

Borrow a student laptop for free
All UCL students can borrow laptops from UCL libraries free of charge for short term use.
Lecture theatres
We provide IT and AV equipment in centrally bookable lecture theatres across campus.
Using your own computer on campus?
If you are using your own laptop, tablet or phone on campus and need to connect to Wi-Fi, access your desktop, software applications, files and more then we have put together some guides to help you out.
Further help & resources
A quick guide to printing, scanning and copying using Print @ UCL devices in computer workrooms and libraries.