UCL's formal committees
UCL's formal committees comprise its statutory bodies, Council, University Management Committee and Academic Board and their standing committees.
For more information, including membership, terms of reference and meetings, please select a committee:
- Council
- University Management Committee [UMC]
- Academic Board [AB]
- Academic Committee [AC]
- Academic Promotions Committee [APC]
- Audit Committee [AudC]
- Change and Digital Committee [CDC]
- Education Committee [EdCom]
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee [EDIC]
- Estates Committee [EC]
- Estates Management Committee [EMC]
- Executive Committee of Academic Board [ExComAB]
- Finance Committee [FC]
- Financial Performance and Planning Committee [FPPC]
- Governance Committee of Academic Board [GCAB]
- Health Strategy and Partnerships Committee [HSPC]
- Honorary Degrees and Fellowships Committee [HDFC]
- Investments Committee [IC]
- Library Committee [LC]
- Nominations Committee [NC]
- Operations Committee [OC]
- People Committee [PC]
- People and Culture Committee [PCC]
- Recruitment and Admissions Committee [RAC]
- Remuneration Committee [RemCo]
- Research Degrees Committee [RDC]
- Research, Innovation and Global Engagement Committee [RIGEC]
- Work Health and Safety Committee [WHSC]
Non-confidential minutes of meetings of these formal committees are available to download. Minutes of meetings for sessions prior to 2010-11 are not publicly accessible and for minutes of meetings in and after session 2010-11, access restrictions continue to apply to unconfirmed and confidential minutes.
In order to keep the information on these pages up to date, all changes in membership of UCL formal committees should be reported immediately to Nick McGhee. Proposed changes in membership which require an amendment of the constitution of the committee should also be referred to Nick McGhee, as should proposed changes to terms of reference.