Find out more about UCL's Executive Committee of Academic Board, including terms of reference and membership.
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Terms of Reference
The Executive Committee of Academic Board:
- Shall cooperate with the Chairs of other committees and bodies of the Academic Board, including the Chair of the Academic Board, in setting a broad agenda or programme of papers for the Board together with a timetable for these to come before the Board in the academic year;
- Shall be involved, as it sees fit, in the preliminary and draft stages of formulation of papers that will ultimately come before the Board. This will include requesting and assisting with the provision of Academic Impact Statements that are attached to papers before they come to the Board. Drafts of papers destined for AB will be received for input by ExComAB, normally not less than 3 months in advance of the AB meeting where they are destined to be presented, and before a first draft is written and/or published;
- Shall have the power to consult the Academic Board and the wider academic community on any question that is within the remit of the Board and shall have the power to send a report of the consultation to Council, provided that the results are reported to AB at its next meeting;
- Shall, between AB meetings, provide a report of any formal advice by ExComAB to any other statutory committees and bodies within the formal management structure of UCL. This advice shall be included for approval in the next AB meeting papers;
- Shall have the power to put papers before AB, and to distribute reports to AB at any time, within these Terms of Reference, with the assistance of the Academic Secretariat as necessary;
- May be consulted by Council or requested by Council to consult the academic community on any matter;
- Shall provide communications to Council on any matter within its remit;
- May request that the Secretary provide it with acecss to any existing infomration that the Board is entitled to receive in order to make an informed decision on matters coming to the Board that affect the academic work of UCL;
- Every ExComAB meeting shall have a section dedicated to AB Chair's business, with the invited participation of the Chair of AB.
Ex Officio Members
Invited former elected members of Council:
- Professor Lucie Clapp
- Professor Annette Dolphin
- Professor Patrick Haggard
- Professor Hynek Pikhart
- Professor Andrew Wills
Chair of the Goverance Committee of Academic Board (GCAB):
- Dr Benet Salway
Elected Members
Up to three Heads of Academic Units, elected by Academic Board:
- Professor Sacha Stern (Vice-Chair)
- vacancy
- vacancy
Up to six members elected by and from the professorial membership of Academic Board:
- Professor Ian Eames
- Professor Mark Hewitson
- Professor Tim Levine
- Professor Francesca Medda
- Professor Jane Rendell
- Professor Sonu Shamdasani
Up to four members elected by and from the non-professorial membership of Academic Board:
- Dominique Drai
- Dr Saladin Meckled-Garcia (Vice-Chair)
- Dr Benet Salway
- Dr Sherrill Stroschein (Vice-Chair)
Appointed Members
Chair of ExComAB, appointed by GCAB after consultation with ExComAB:
- Professor Evangelos Himonides (Chair)
One member appointed by and from the members elected from Academic Board to Council:
- Professor Stephanie Bird
One external member of Council, appointed by Council:
- tbc
One member appointed by and from the membership of GCAB:
- Justin Siefker
One member appointed by and from the members currently elected from Academic Board to Education Committee:
- Professor Margaret Mayston
One member appointed by and from the Deans' nominees on the Research, Innovation and Global Engagement Committee:
- vacancy
One member appointed by and from the academic members of the People Committee:
- Professor Helen Roberts
One member appointed by and from the Faculty Tutors:
- tbc
Student members
Up to two student members appointed by the Students' Union, including one member of Council and one member of Academic Board:
- Shaban Chaudhary, Education Officer
- Darcy Lan, Postgraduate Officer
Non-voting members
Up to three expert persons invited by the Committee to assist in its deliberations:
- Professor Ralf Schoepfer
- Dr Martin Fry
- vacancy
- Alex Brace
Meeting dates 2024-25
- To be confirmed