
UCL Earth Sciences


Earth Sciences in the Media Feb-March 2024

24 March 2024

BBC World Service: What’s happening to Arctic ice? BBC Radio 4: Dimming the Sun.

Log: BBC World Service BBC Radio 4

What’s happening to arctic ice?

The area of ice covering the Arctic ocean has been in a state of long decline, as climate change takes effect. But recent fluctuations in the ice have been seized on by climate change sceptics, who say it t ells a different story.

Professor Julienne Stroeve explains how to read the data regarding recent fluctuations in the arctic ocean’s ice levels. Listen on BBC World Service ‘More or Less’ (from 41 sec). 

Why is solar geoengineering a controversial issue?

Why is solar geoengineering a controversial issue? How would dimming the sun even work? And should we consider it a genuine option in our fight against climate change?

Dr Peter Irvine deconstructs the intricacies of solar geoengineering and discusses whether it can be used in the fight against climate change. Listen on BBC Radio 4 'BBC Inside Science' (from 1 min 30 sec).