Congratulations are due to all our research students who have successfully completed their studies.
Andersson, Johan
Consuming Visibility: Gay Men in Commercial and Public Space. London's West End from 1990 to the present.
Adachi, Yoshi
An Examination of the Applicability and Trans-Nationality of Nonaka's Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation to the Urban Planning Theory and Urban Regeneration Contexts.
Arias, Martín
Mining, multinational corporations and regional development: enclave formation through the asymmetrical bargaining power
Arbaci, Sonia
The residential insertion of immigrants in Europe: patterns and mechanisms is Southern European cities
Aritenang, Adiwan
Impacts of Devolution and ASEAN Free Trade Area to Indonesian Regions
Barrantes Chaves, Karla
Fear of crime beyond the walls: Effects of gated communities in neighbouring public spaces. The case of the Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica.
Barton, Neil
Communication Systems in The City: Evolution of the Electric Telegraph 1837-1869.
Bento, João
The role and effectiveness of national architecture policies in the European Union: the cases of Ireland, Scotland and The Netherlands
Besussi, Elena
Fiscal arrangements and planning decisions in Italy, UK and The Netherlands
Bianconi, Marco
EU Policy Influence On Land Use Plans In Wales: An Assessment of the impact of Objective 1 programme on the scope and structure of the Welsh Planning System.
Bonvino, Gualtiero
Transit oriented development land policy for transit funding: an international comparative study
Canelas, Patricia
Planning, place-making and property markets in inner-London: The active management of clusters of ownership
Cao, Mengqiu
Exploring the Relation between Transport and Social Equity: Empirical Evidence from London and Beijing
Cardoso, Rodrigo
Metropolisation Processes in European Second-tier Cities
Cary, Sarah
Delivering urban energy infrastructure: the capacity of planning and governance networks in the cases of Barcelona, Burlington, Lerwick, London, and Toronto
Chaimanee, Anon
The Historical Traces of Residual Rhythms in Maintaining the Identity, Authenticity and Sense of Place in the contemporary city: the case of Sino-Thai neighbourhoods in Thai Cities.
Chang, Feng-Shu
Relationship between urban form (especially interface type) and travel behaviour in Taiwan.
Chen, Chia-Lin
High-speed Trains and Space Economy: The UK experiences, 1976-2001, and Prospects for High-speed Two- A Manchester- Lille Comparison
Chen, Xuewei
Including the logic of trust in shaping cities – understanding the interrelationship between place-shaping and trust-building
Cho, Hyunji
Regeneration Practices in Diverse Neighbourhoods: A Case Study of Garibong-Dong, South Korea
Colomb, Claire
Staging urban change, reimaging the city: the politics of place marketing in the 'New Berlin' (1989-2004)
Cidre, Elisabete
Planning for public realm conservation: the case of Portugal's World Heritage Cities
Chung, Calvin
Searching for an Urban Sustainability Fix in China: A Case Study of the Pearl River Delta Greenway Project
Dean, Marco
Improving decision-making for mega infrastructure projects - study on the possible applicability of multi-criteria analysis to the appraisal of major gateway port projects
Delrieu, Varina
GIS toolkits for understanding the socio-economic impacts of Mega Urban Transport Projects (MUTPs)
Dianati, Vafa
The Dynamics of Place Attachment and Perceived Density; Exploring the Impact of Urban Densification on Social Sustainability in Tehran.
Diaz-Padilla, Raul
Analysing Critical Implications of Democratic Planning: Learning from the Story of El Salado
Durrant, Daniel
The role of the third sector in mega infrastructure projects
Farndon, David
Feng, Yi
Financing Urban Development in China Using Local Government Financial Vehicles, From Entrepreneurial Governance to Financialization
Ferm, Jessica
Delivering affordable workspace through the planning system
Fiorentino, Stefania
Contemporary urban entrepreneurial ecosystems and the new geography of innovation. A case study of Rome
Fitzpatrick, Daniel
Urban commons: collective ownership of urban assets
Foroughmand Araabi, Hooman
Formulation urban design theory in relation to practice
Freire Trigo, Sonia
Regeneration of vacant urban land in England.
Gao, Xing
Regeneration of vacant urban land in England.Intellectual Property Rights in urban and regional economics: the case of Huaihai
Garcia, Brian
Intensification of polycentric cities; examining the catalytic properties of urban rail projects
Garcia Mejuto, Diego
Towards a ‘Europe of Flows’? Discourse, power and space in the development of a transnational high-speed rail line in the European Union
Givoni, Moshe
Airline and Railway integration: A new approach to Intermodality.
Gomes, Alexandra
Invisible city: a multisensory approach to urban planning
Di Gregorio, Graziano
Sustainability appraisal framework for Investment in Airport development infrastructure
Han, Dongho
Mobilising the concept of sustainability throughout urban regeneration projects: focusing on a case of Centum City, Busan, South Korea
Hickman, Robin
Reducing Travel by Design: A Micro-Analysis of New Household Location and the Commute to Work in Surrey.
Hamiduddin, Iqbal
Mobility, social interaction and place making: the lessons for future car-free development
Hildreth, Paul
Understanding the contribution of governance institutions towards shaping economic geography of place: a local and national perspective
Hincapié Triviño, Miguel
Social action for landscape character conservation: The role of community initiatives and practices in the conservation of Colombian cultural landscapes.
Hou, Ying-Chun
Community-led urban planning reform under developmental-state planning system--a study of Taipei, Taiwan
Im, Jungha
Do the social economy and urban regeneration interact?: the case of neighbourhood regeneration in South Korea
Jeon, Bong Kyung
Regional Innovation Systems (RIS) and the revitalisation of an old industrial area: A case of textile industry in Daegu, South Korea
Jones, Edward
Tech City: exploring the operation and governance of inner east London’s digital cluster
Juangbhanich, Alizara
How and why do private developers engage in green building practice?
Karadimitriou, Nikos
Urban Regeneration: An examination of the barriers to the redevelopment of urban land and ways of attracting private investment.
Karampour, Katy
Municipal fiscal decentralisation and urban change: a case study of Tehran
Kim, Jihyun
Multiple enactments of public space: An affordance analysis on stabilisation and multiplicity of user activity
Kim, Ju Eun
Reconsideration on Neighbourhood Regeneration from the Perspective of Smart Shrinkage: Responses to urban shrinkage in a small city, Yeongju, South Korea
Kingman, David
Kolahi, Alireza
Koutrolikou, Panagiota
Multiculturalism in Urban Regeneration Initiatives in London.
Lee, Jae Kwang
The Impact of Transport Infrastructure on Productivity, Employment Center Growth and Land Values in the Seoul Region
Li, Zhenfa
State-led (de-)financialisation of the city: local government bonds in China
Liu, Lixun
The impact of rail transit systems on urban regeneration areas: case study of a large Chinese city – Chongqing
Liu, Siyao
Migrant Integration in Peri-urban Beijing
Liu, Yuqi
Lober, Terence
The General Aviation Small Airfield Research (G-ASAR) Project.
Lopez Franco, Monica
Frameworks for Urban Conservation: Social Equality in Mexican Historic Centres of Mexico City and Guadalajara.
Lu, Tingting
The development and governance of gated communities in China: an analysis of Wenzhou
Manlangit, Michael
Landbanking as a coping strategy for large-volume housebuilders in the UK housing market and planning policy context
Martín Sainz de los Terreros, Jorge
Eventual urbanism, an enquiry on socio-material participation
Martins, Juliana
The extended workplace: how urban form supports creative production - a study of the digital media industries in London
Mella Lira, Beatriz
Transport planning towards urban and social equity. MCA of Public Policies and Travel Behaviour in Santiago de Chile
Miao, Tian (Julie)
The genesis of a high-tech cluster in a less-favoured region in China: Case study of the Optics Valley of China, Wuhan
Mo, Aaron
Artworks and Networks: an ethnographic study of creatives and urban spaces in Manchester and Brno
Moawad, Paul
Deconstructing the Lebanese-Syrian borderscape through waiting and temporality: a comparative study on informal settlements in Lebanon along the borderline.
Moreira de Souza, Tatiana
Publicly-sponsored mixed tenure as a means of achieving social mix: a case study of housing regeneration in the UK, Netherlands and France
Mourato, João
Europeanisation and territorial governance: an inquiry into power and institutional culture change in Portugal
Nakamura, Kazuki
The Effect of Area-wide Pedestrianisation between Town Centre Attractions
Natarajan, Lucy
Learning about Communities in a Participatory Spatial Planning Context: A Study of Community Engagement & Planning Knowledge in England
Nunes, Richard
Conceptualizing 'change' in the Portuguese footwear industry: regional voices and cognitive spaces of agency
O'Connell, Derry
Block invcersion in the Irish town, concerning emerging patterns of change in the layout framework of plot and block, as observed in the urban tissue of small towns, with particular attention to the changing relationship between front and back in plot organisation.
Ohashi, Hiroaki
Suburban Fortunes: Urban Policies, Planning and Suburban Transformation in Tokyo Metropolis
Panayotopoulos-Tsiros, Dimitrios
The morphology of urban voids: a metabolic approach to cohesion. The case of Eleonas in Athens.
Park, Joon
Spatial analysis of housing markets with land rent theory of political economy: the cases of London, Seoul and Los Angeles
Penny, Joe
Downloading austerity: the (post) politics of fiscal retrenchment, state rescaling and localism in England
Petrakou, Marialena
FDI growth impact and absorptive capacity in Europe – the role of financial markets. Regional impact: a case study of Greece
Purves, Andrew
Economic rent, inequality and public revenue – the Singapore model.
Qesteri, Lorna
Locality matters: local and regional development agencies' role in fostering sustainable development. Case studies from Albania
Reades, Jonathan
Implications of mobile telecommunications for the theory and practice of planning
Rivera, Helena
Re-Inventing the British New Town of the 21st Century
Rivero Villar, Alejandro
The role of social capital in the resilience of self-help settlements: The case of Nezahualcóyotl in the metropolitan area of Mexico City
Rizal, Khairul
Evolving Regions: how industries rise and fall in Indonesian provinces
Seo, Ilwon (Veny)
Exploring the impact of exogenous knowledge spillover on a catching-up economy
Sepulveda Marquez, Ruth
Urban agriculture projects under the constrains of Neoliberalism: networks, discourses and story-lines in Santiago, Chile
Sieh, Louie
Questions of Value in the Urban Public Realm
Silva Lovera, Cristian A
The interstitial territory in the sprawl: the case of Santiago de Chile
Silvestre, Gabriel
Urban Visioning as Policy Assemblage: ideas, interests and institutions in the development of Olympic Rio de Janeiro
Simpson, Jacob
The Role of Built Environment Quality in FDI Attraction: The Case of Paris Ile-de-France, 2010-2015
Slavitt, Lesley
Pioneering Practice: The Disrupted Metropolis and the Emergence of City Planning in the Early Twentieth Century
Soltani, Kiavash
Piecemeal versus Comprehensive Redevelopment in Deteriorated Neighbourhoods of Tehran.
Spinks, Martine
Conceptions of Development and the Sustainability Agenda: Introducing an Actor-Network Approach to Building Process
Stirling, Phoebe
National Housing Strategy and Market Mediation in London
Stoica, Melania (submitted for MPhil)
Forms of interaction between financial and real estate markets: a perspective on Tokyo (MPhil)
Sun, Yixiang
Local Politics of China’s Flagship Culture-led Redevelopment
Suwannasang, Veeramon
A new debate: The correlations of neighbourhood design and socio-economic factor on mental well-being
Tarazona Vento, Amparo
Global Architecture and the Politics of Competitiveness
Thananantachai, Umnaj
Housing governance in Thailand: managing the transversal and inter-organisational networks of housing delivery to work for the urban poor
Timmerman, Richard
Customisation and Urban Design: Evaluating the role of informal street user modifications in the distribution of static activities and perceptions of streetscape settings
Tribillon, Justinien
The Boulevard Périphérique, anonymous oeuvre of the Parisian technocracy: dissecting a design process at the crossroad of technical reason, social imagination and politics.
Tseng, Yen Ning
Mega Urban Transport Projects as a catalyst for sustainable urban regeneration and the role of mega events
Wang, Richard Wei-Tse
Urban Renewal and Socio-Spatial Differentiation in Transitional Shanghai, 1998-2008
Wang, Zheng
Neighbourhood social interaction in Shanghai: implications for the social integration of rural migrants
Wu, Meiling
Second Home Impacts and Community Development in China
Wunderlich, Filipa
Place-temporality in Urban Analysis and Design: uncovering place temporal aesthetics through the means of rhythm at Fitzroy Square
Xin, Shengxi
Advancing the Socio-Economic Well-being of Rural Areas and Communities: A Study on China’s “Modern Agricultural Zones”
Xu, Mengran
Migrants’ attitudes towards social integration in urban China
Yamaguchi, Yukikazu
Local Strategic Partnership in London: An Investigation of Local Collaborative Action
Yamamoto, Arata
Discourse Politics of Public Participation: The Role of Planners and the London Plan, 2000-2004
Yang, Doshik
Waterfronts: Spatial Composition and Cultural Use
Zammit, Antoine
Urban Design Quality Through Development Control: The Case of Malta
Zhang, Xiaoqing
In the name of social inclusion: the redevelopment of urban villages in Xian, China
Zhang, Yuerong
Towards better understanding of metro system resilience from joint perspectives: an intra-urban study of Greater London
Zhu, Jingyi
Understanding social production and construction of public space from the perspective of public- private dynamics: A case study of Shanghai
Zhu, Kan
Building innovation under China’s evolving urban governance: A case study in Shanghai
Zhu, Tianke