Research Subject
Thesis title: Social action for landscape character conservation: The role of community initiatives and practices in the conservation of Colombian cultural landscapes.
Primary supervisor: Dr Elisabete Cidre
Secondary supervisor: Dr Michael Short
Sponsor: COLCIENCIAS (Colombian Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation)
Starting date: January 2017
Projected completion date: April 2021

Photo: Historic town of Santa Cruz de Mompox by @Taller Pizarra and Miguel Hincapié
Local communities' participation is a fundamental aspect in the conservation of cultural landscapes, mainly because it contributes to sustainable and inclusive management of natural and human-made valuable resources. However, in practice, conservation planning frameworks largely favour activities aligned to cultural and institutional elites while overlooking other relevant community activities of the process. This research evaluates the influence of community social action on landscape character conservation and evidence its potential to overcome current deficiencies of integration. It aims to understand how and to what extent community initiatives and practices – CIs and CPs – contribute to the management of landscape change, how they are a form of community participation and social action, and what factors enable their implementation.
This research adopts a multiple-case study approach of two world heritage Colombian landscapes with rich information in landscape attributes of (Bio) diversity, complexity, sense of place and collective memory. The cases are Zone A of the Coffee Cultural Landscape in the Andean mountains (Riosucio and Supia - Caldas) and the historic town of Santa Cruz de Mompox in the Caribbean wetlands. This research finds that social action, in the form of CIs and CPs, benefits landscape character conservation because it involves a direct engagement of communities in activities, integrating place attachment, solidarity, sovereignty, and mutual help for implementation. Local communities demonstrate capacities for association and agency in purposeful activities and employ negotiation skills to work in partnership with external agents in the process. Social values for conserving the common good are at the core of activities, and, occasionally, economic stimuli and other benefits also incentivise their execution. By exposing community social action and the mechanisms employed by communities in associations, action boards and networks of cooperation, this research contributes with novel information on how activities at local levels are relevant to conservation planning of cultural landscapes.
- Biography
Miguel Hincapié is a qualified architect (UNAL Colombia) and urban designer (UCL London) with more than 15 years of professional and academic experience. He has been a consultant on multiple projects, including public spaces renovation, urban conservation and urban regeneration at a neighbourhood, district and city scales. For five years, Miguel served as Deputy Director in Conservation Planning for the Heritage Institute of Bogota (2012-2017), leading the design and implementation of management plans, including the Revitalisation Plan for the Traditional Centre. In academia, Miguel has taught and researched extensively at various universities in Colombia (UNAL, UPB and La Salle) and in the UK (UCL) on urban design and landscape design skills and methodologies. His research at the BSP focuses on planning for cultural landscapes conservation and local communities’ participation.
- Publications and other work
- Hincapié Triviño, M. (2018). Attracting visitors to ancient neighbourhoods. Creation and management of the tourist- historic city of Plymouth, UK (Vol. 23, pp. 161-162): Routledge.
- Hincapié Triviño, M., & Martínez Delgado, M. E. (2015). Revitalisation Plan for Bogota Traditional Centre (J. M. Ezquiaga Domínguez Ed.). Bogota Cultural Heritage Institute of Bogota.
- Hincapié Triviño, M., Martínez Delgado, M. E., & Quiroga Galindo, P. (2015a). Candelaria is your home [Candelaria es tu casa]: Guidelines for facades restoration in the historical centro of Bogotá - Part I: Cultural Heritage Institute of Bogota
- Hincapié Triviño, M., Martínez Delgado, M. E., & Quiroga Galindo, P. (2015b). Candelaria is your home [Candelaria es tu casa]: Guidelines for facades restoration in the historical centro of Bogotá - Part II: Cultural Heritage Institute of Bogota
- Hincapié Triviño, M. (2015). The Revitalisation Plan for the Tradicional and Historical Center of Bogotá: from the protection of monuments to the comprehensive recuperation and integration of the Urban Cultural Landscape. In O. Niglio (Ed.), Historic Towns between East and West(pp. 299 – 313). Ermes: Servizi editoriali integrati. Retrieved from
- Hincapié, M. (2011). Urban Interchanges within the Contemporary Vision of Sustainable Mobility. TRAZA, 54–81.
- Hincapié Triviño, M., Franco, R., & Torres, L. (2010). La Geometría de los Sistemas Móviles [Mobile System Geometry]. In R. Franco (Ed.), Hacia una Arquitectura Móvil [Towards mobile architecture](pp. 61 – 127). Bogotá: Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano.
- Hincapié Triviño, M. (2008a). Contact Buttons, Urban Design and Interconnectivity. In The Bartlett Catalogue. London.
- Hincapié Triviño, M. (2008b). Contact Buttons, Urban Design and Interconnectivity. In 34 Urban Fictions. Franco, R.,
- Hincapié Triviño, M., Cortés, C., & Insuasty, P. (2006). Adaptable Structures. Bogotá.
- Conference papers/presentations:
- UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference (Liverpool 2019): The role of social action and agency in landscape character conservation, 2019.
- AESOP Annual Congress (Venice 2019): Landscape character conservation through local communities’ participation, 2019.
- Seminar presentation: Revitalisation Plan for the Tradicional Centre of Bogota, Permanent Seminar of the Historic Centre of México City, 2014.
- Conference presentation: Revitalisation Plan for the Tradicional Centre of Bogota, OPCA 7 – Observatory for Cultural Heritage, Los Andes University, 2014.
- Public presentation: Revitalisation Plan for the Tradicional Centre of Bogota, World Urban Forum 7, Medellin, 2014.
- Conference presentation: Spatial Integration and Sustainable Mobility Strategy of the Traditional Center of Bogotá, Forum Sustainable Urban Mobility, 2015.
- Teaching
- Introducing Urban Design: Design Skills’ at The Bartlett School of Planning in UCL, from October 2018 – ongoing.
- Teaching Assistant for ‘Making Cities’ Moduleat The Bartlett - Faculty of the Built Environment (Schools of Architecture, Planning and Project Management) in UCL, from October 2017 – 2019
- Teaching Assistant for the ENVS1019 ‘Making Cities’ Moduleat The Bartlett - Faculty of the Built Environment (Schools of Architecture, Planning and Project Management) in UCL, from October 2017 – 2019
- Lecturer in Methods for Urban Designat National University of Colombia – Bogota, MSc in Urban Design, from January 2010 - January 2017
- Lecturer in Landscape Design Methodologiesat Pontifical Bolivarian University - Medellin, MSc in Landscape Design, from July 2010 – September 2016
- Lecturer in Urban and Rural Territorial Systemsat Msc in Urban Management, La Salle University, Bogota, from July 2011 - July 2016
- Assistant Professor in Architecture and Urbanismat La Salle University, Bogota, from – June 2010 - Jan 2013
- Other relevant professional and academic experience
- Deputy Director at The Institute of Cultural Heritage of Bogota City, Colombia, from December 2012 - January 2017. R
- Researcher at MEDS group, Marginality, Spatiality and Sustainable Development at La Salle University, Bogota, from Jan 2011 - Jan 2013. Web site:
- Researcher at Adaptable Structures group, Jorge Tadeo Lozano University, Bogotá, from August 2009 - November 2009.
- Awards
With The Institute of Cultural Heritage of Bogota:
Global Human Settlements Award. UN - Habitat, Planning and Urban Design, Bogota, April 2014.
“Gubbio” Award in Cultural Heritage. Latin American and Caribbean Chapter, Buenos Aires, September 2015