The links below are designed as a one-stop shop for current students registered on a programme in the Arts and Sciences department. This page provides information relating to your degree and is split into the following sections:
Key Study Resources
- Academic Integrity
- Penalties for over-length coursework
- Penalties for late submission of coursework
- Extenuating Circumstances
- Academic Communication Centre (Moodle log-in required)
- Moodle
- Timetable
- Portico
- Online reading lists
UCL Resources
- UCL Academic Regulations
- UCL Campus Routefinder
- Student Support and Wellbeing
- UCL 24/7 Student Support Line
- Student Psychological Services
- Student Disability Services
- Student Advisers
- UCL Wellbeing - Healthy Mind, Healthy Learning!
- UCL Information Services Division (IT and Passwords)
- UCL Library (inc. past exam papers)