ASE talks Romans with The Windmills Junior School
13 December 2018
ASE archaeologists have been running outreach sessions on the Romans with year 4 children in Hassocks.

Two members of the ASE post-excavation team recently went to The Windmills Junior School in Hassocks to talk to Year 4 children about the Romans! We brought in finds including coins, animal bones, pottery and roof tiles with animal prints and got the children to think about how the Romans changed Britain. We had a lovely time and were very impressed by the students’ knowledge and interest, and their insightful questions. We’re pretty sure we spotted some future archaeologists in the making!
The visit was organised by Geoff Morris of CMDP, who has used Archaeology South East's services for watching briefs. As his daughter (pictured) was studying the Romans at school, he organised for ASE to visit and talk to each class in the year. We were really grateful for the opportunity to go!