ASE Newsletter No. 3
1 October 2015
ASE Newsletter from October 2015, showcasing the highlights from our calendar of commercial and research archaeology.

You can access the newsletter here. Inside you will find...
Prehistoric and Roman landscapes of the South Downs: excavations at Peacehaven, East Sussex
Diccon Hart, Senior Archaeologist
Silk Roads Cities of Kazakhstan Project:2015 excavations at Kuik-Mardan, Otrar
Giles Dawkes, Senior Archaeologist and Odile Rouard, Archaeologist
The Rise and Fall of the Southall Gasworks
Hannah Green, Assistant Archaeologist
Chalkers Lane, Hurstpierpoint: No chalk or pier, but plenty of archaeology
Simon Stevens, Senior Archaeologist
One Bedford Avenue, London Borough of Camden
Sarah Ritchie, Archaeologist
Anna Doherty, Senior Ceramicist, Elke Raemen, Finds Officer
& Antonio Reis, Photographer & Illustrator
NEWS FROM THE FIELD: The Big Dig at Petworth Park - volunteers undeterred by the rain
ASEbase: Progress & Future Aims
Guy Hopkinson, Data Manager
CIfA Diggers’ Forum – committed to creating a positive, sustainable and financially viable career for professional archaeologists
Gemma Ward, Assistant Archaeologist & Diggers’ Forum Committee Member
SPOTLIGHT ON: Mark Atkinson, Project Manager (Specialist Services)