
Archaeology South-East


Episode 5: The RESPECT Campaign

This episode we’ve got something a little different but really important – we welcome Kayt Hawkins to talk about the BAJR Respect campaign, tackling sexual harassment in the archaeological workplace.

Episode logo for the RESPECT campaign podcast. Inset is a word cloud including bullying, harrassment, assault, and the word "NO" written across them

14 October 2020

This episode we welcome Kayt Hawkins to talk to us about the BAJR (British Archaeological Jobs Resource) RESPECT campaign, which tackles sexual harassment in the workplace. Kayt talks about how she came to co-write the RESPECT guide, what the guide is, and how it can help institutions tackle harassment. We reflect on the effectiveness on the guide and look to the future – what still needs to be done to make archaeology a safe workplace – for all?

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Here are some links to organisations and resources Kayt mentions in the episode:

BAJR Respect page including link to the survey presentation http://www.bajrfed.co.uk/bajrpress/respect-campaign/ 

BAJR Respect FB page (for joining the Womens/LGTBQ+ FB groups) https://www.facebook.com/The-BAJR-Respect-in-Archaeology-Campaign-107437390987794/ 

CIFA/FAME/Prospect Joint statement https://www.archaeologists.net/news/cifa-fame-and-prospect-release-joint-statement-bullying-harassment-and-discrimination 

CBA E&D hub https://new.archaeologyuk.org/equality-and-diversity-hub/ 

Prospect Archaeologists Branch survey results https://members.prospect.org.uk/your-prospect/branch/181/public/p7 

Mentioned twitter handles are @Bajr4Respect @MentoringWomen1 @prospectarchs @CIFA_Equality @archaeowomen