
Archaeology South-East


Episode 3 Part 2: The Brighton Dome

Part 2 of our episode on Historic Buildings with Michael Shapland uses the Brighton Dome as a fascinating case study! Join us on a journey through time, meeting all of its occupants.

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31 July 2020

In the heart of modern Brighton sits the complex of buildings known as the Brighton Dome arts venue. In advance of renovation works, ASE were called in to excavate and record archaeological features of the Corn Exchange, and in their investigations uncovered the many lives of this building. Michael takes us through its occupants, from a quaker cemetery to a prince regent, to Victorian roller-skaters to WW1 soldiers and finally, to ABBA.

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Make sure you listen to Part 1 where we talk about how to record and capture the ‘spirit’, as well as the structure, of historic buildings.