Nick Tyler's publications

Working Papers
Refereed journals
Conference proceedings
Unpublished Conference proceedings
Other papers

Working Papers

Tyler N.A., M.Caiaffa (2001) Signage for People with Learning Difficulties. University of London Centre for Transport Studies Working Paper.

Tyler N.A., M.Caiaffa (1999) EXCALIBUR Project -Experiment III: Performance of the Guidance System with Different Low Floor Buses . University of London Centre for Transport Studies Working Paper.

Tyler N.A. (1999) Measuring Accessibility to Public Transport: Concepts. University of London Centre for Transport Studies Working Paper.

Tyler N.A. (1999) Lifetime Transport, University of London Centre for Transport Studies Working Paper (in preparation).

Tyler N.A. (1998) Transport and Long Term Care for Elderly People, Evidence to the Royal Commission on Long Term Care for the Elderly.

Tyler N.A. (1997) The Transport Contract. University of London Centre for Transport Studies Working Paper.

Tyler N.A. (1996a) On Accessibility. University of London Centre for Transport Studies Working Paper.

Tyler N.A. (1996b)  Processing Opinion: Some Considerations for an Appropriate Combination Model. University of London Centre for Transport Studies Working Paper.

Tyler N.A. (1996c) Accessibility to the Bus System. University of London Centre for Transport Studies Working Paper.

Tyler N.A. (1996d) Access Facilities for buses. University of London Centre for Transport Studies Working Paper.

Tyler N.A., I.E.W Brown (1998)  Accessible Public Transport in Rural Areas: Choice of Study Area for the Project. University of London Centre for Transport Studies Working Paper.

Tyler N.A., N.L.C.K. Brown (1997) On Mobility . University of London Centre for Transport Studies Working Paper.

Tyler N.A., I.E.W Brown, F. Bitarafen, M.Caiaffa, P.C.M. Silva, J.R. Marar (1999)  Response to Rural England: A Discussion Document;. Working paper, University of London Centre for Transport Studies, London (available on request).

Brown  I.E.W, N.A. Tyler, P.C.M. Silva, J.R. Marar, M. Caiaffa, F. Bitarafen (1999)  Response to DETR Publication: From Workhorse to Thoroughbred: A Better Role for Bus Travel. Working Paper, University of London Centre for Transport Studies, London (available on request).

Brown N.L.C.K. and N.A. Tyler (1999)  Locating Bus Stops in Rural Areas. Working Paper, University of London Centre for Transport Studies, London (available on request).

Brown  N.L.C.K., R. Fernández, A.M. Kean, J.R. Lynas, P.C.M. Silva, N.A. Tyler  (1997) Response to Developing an Integrated Transport Policy;. Working Paper, University of London Centre for Transport Studies, London (available on request).

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Tyler N.A. (ed) (2002) Accessibility and the bus system: from concepts to practice, Thomas Telford, London. ISBN 0 7277 2980 2

Gillingwater D., N.A. Tyler (2001) Specialised Transport. (in Button K., D.Hensher (eds): Handbook of Transport Systems and Traffic Control), Pergammon, ISBN 0080435955

Refereed journals

Tyler N.A. and N.L.C.K. Brown (2000) Public Participation in Transport Decisions. Traffic Engineering and Control, 41(3), March, pp 88 - 92.

Tyler N.A. (1991)  The contribution of expert opinion to the design of high capacity bus priority systems. Computers and Structures. 40(1)191-199.

Brown N.L.C.K. and N.A. Tyler (1999)  Catch me if you can: Traffic Management for Accessible Rural Bus Stops. Traffic Engineering & Control, 40(10), October, pp 487 - 491.

Arany M.C.M., L.S. Portugal, N. Tyler (1992) Simulação de pontos de ônibus: novos aspectos a serem considerados, Revistados Transportes Públicos - ANTP, 57, 119-130.

White P., N. Dennis, N. Tyler (1995)  Analysis of recent trends in bus and coach safety in Britain. Safety Science 19, 99-107.

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Conference proceedings

TYLER N.A. (2002) Practical experience of public participation: evidence from methodological experiments, Proc 3rd Workshop on Transalpine Transport, International Centre for Cooperative Research, Stresa, Italy

CEPOLINA E.M. and N.TYLER (2001)  Un modello esplicito per il comportamento pedonale. Paper presented at Annual Convention "Metodi e Tecnologie dell'Ingegnaria dei Trasporti", Reggio Calabria, Italy, December 2001. (Full version in press) (In Italian)

TYLER N.A. (2001)  Politica britanica de transportes: transporte publico y accesibilidad, in Monzon (ed): La politica britanica de transportes, Jornadas sobre Politicas Nacionales de Transporte en la Union Europea, Ministrerio de Fomento, Madrid, Spain. ISBN 844980518X

TYLER N.A., M.CAIAFFA (2001) Signage for People with Learning Difficulties. University of London Centre for Transport Studies Working Paper.

TYLER NA., M.M. CAIAFFA, M. WAINSTEIN (2001) Transport Information for People with Learning Difficulties. INCLUDE 2001, International Conference on Inclusive Design, London, April.

TYLER N.A., J.C. DEXTRE (2001) Accesibilidad para todos en el contexto peruano. II Simposio Internacional sobre Facilidades de Transporte y Tránsito para Personas Discapacitadas, La Habana, September.

BROWN I.E.W., N.A. TYLER (2001) Users' Responses to the Implementation of an Innovative Accessible Bus Service in a Remote Rural Area. Ninth International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled People, Warsaw, July.

CAIAFFA M.M., N.A. TYLER (2001) Evaluation of Changes to Bus Stop Design to Benefit Elderly and Disabled People. Ninth International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled People, Warsaw, July.

CAIAFFA M., N.A. TYLER (2001) Provisión de información en el ambiente de paraderos para omnibuses totalmente accessibles. II Simposio Internacional sobre Facilidades de Transporte y Tránsito para Personas Discapacitadas, La Habana, September.

SILVA, P.C.M. and N.TYLER (2001) Sobre a Validação de Modelos Microscópicos de Simulação de Tráfego. Paper presented at the XV Congresso de Pesquisa e Ensino em Tranportes (ANPET). Campinas, Brazil, November 2001. (in Portuguese)

SILVA, P.C.M. and N.TYLER (2001) Avaliação de Projetos de Paradas de Ônibus. Paper presented at the XI CLATPU - Congreso Latino Americano de Transporte Público. Havana, Cuba, September 2001. (in Portuguese)

Tyler N.A. (2000) The travel needs of Young People, Rural Transport 2000 International Conference, Lancaster.

Tyler N.A. (2000) Show me the Way to Go Home: Accessible Information for Bus Services, International Mobility Conference 10, Warwick.

Tyler N.A. (2000)  Community Transport and Community Development in Rural Areas. Proc. Developing Policies for the Integration of Rural and Community Transport: CTA Scottish Rural Conference, Edinburgh, UK, June.

Tyler N.A. (2000) El diseño de la ciudad del futuro: ciudadano sostenible?. Proc: Jornadas Técnicas de la Asociación de Empresas Gestoras de los Transportes Urbanos Colectivos, Málaga, Spain, 17-18 May (in Spanish).

Tyler N.A. (1999)  Accessible bus services in a rural environment, Proc. ECMT Seminar "Strengthening the Transport Chain", Gothenberg, Sweden, September. (NB. this is a slightly updated version of the paper below)

Tyler N.A. (1999)  Accessible Public Transport in Rural Areas, Proc. Rural Transport for All Seminar, Lancaster University, July.

Tyler N.A. (1995) Medidas de calidad para el sistema de ómnibus: un enfoque preliminar. Proc. VII Congreso chileno, Santiago, Chile, October.

Tyler N.A. (1994a) Public transport and GIS: the future. University of London and London Transport joint Seminar: Transport and GIS: the opportunities for public agencies, July.

Tyler N.A. (1994b) Geographical Information Systems for public transport control systems. Proc PTRC European Transport Forum, Warwick, September, pp 115-122.

Tyler N.A. (1994c) Techniques for the prediction of bus locations in real time. Proc. ERTICO Conference: "Le bus au service des citoyens: lesdéfis du futur" Brussels, Belgium, October

Tyler N.A. (1994d) El sector informal de transporte publico urbano:implicancias para el desarrollo de las politicas de transporte en Lima.Proc VII Congreso Latinoamericano de Transporte Publico y Urbano, BuenosAires, Argentina, November, pp (III) 31-43

Tyler N.A. (1993a)  Uncertainty and imprecision: a fuzzy model. Proceedings International Symposium on Uncertainty Modelling and Analysis, University of Maryland, USA

Tyler N.A. (1992)  The design of high capacity bus systems: the use of fuzzy logic to represent expert opinion. Proceedings Sixth World Conference on Transport Research, Lyon, June/July

Tyler N.A. (1991)  Technology transfer: high capacity bus system design. Proceedings European Commission Workshop on Traffic Engineering Technology, London, January

Tyler N.A. (1990)  The enhancement of capacity in urban bus systems. Proceedings 18th Annual Summer Meeting, Brighton, September

Tyler N.A. (1989)  The contribution of expert opinion to the design of high capacity bus priority systems. Proceedings 4th International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, London, September.

Tyler NA., M.M. Caiaffa, M. Wainstein (2001) Transport Information for People with Learning Difficulties. INCLUDE 2001, International Conference on Inclusive Design, London, April.

Tyler N.A., J.C. Dextre (2001) Accesibilidad para todos en el contexto peruano. II Simposio Internacional sobre Facilidades de Transporte y Tránsito para Personas Discapacitadas, La Habana, September

Tyler N.A., M.Caiaffa M. (1999) Design of Fully Accessible Bus Stops Infrastructure Elements for Buses and Drivers. Proc. European Transport Conference, Cambridge, September.

Tyler N.A., N.L.C.K. Brown, J.R. Lynas (1997) Improving Accessibility to Bus Systems for Elderly People. Ville et Vieillissement, Arles, France, October.

Tyler N.A., R. Fernández (1996) Integración del diseño de Paraderos en las Medidas de Prioridad a los Buses .Proc. IX Congreso Panamericano de Ingeniería de Tránsito y Transportes, La Habana, Cuba, December.

Tyler N.A., J.S. Grater (1995)  Managing real-time data for intelligent transport systems: a distributed approach. Proc. Application of new technology to transport systems Conference, Melbourne, Australia, May. 1 pp 77-90

Tyler N.A., Willumsen L.G. (1989)  Infrastructure design: an approach to bus priority systems using artificial intelligence techniques. Proceedings Control, Computers, Communications in Transportation Symposium, Paris, September

Caiaffa M., N.A. Tyler (1999) Projeto Excalibur-Um exemplo prático para verificar as inter-relações dos principais elementos da infra-estrutura de pontos de ônibus eo ônibus com piso baixo. Paper presented at the X CLATPU - Congreso Latino Americano de Transporte Público. Caracas, Venezuela, December 2000. (in Portuguese)

Fernández, R., N.A. Tyler (1999)  Design of Bus Stops as part of Bus Priorities, Proc. European Transport Forum, September 1999.

Fernández, R., N.A. Tyler (1995). Modelación de las interacciones en paraderos de buses. Proc. VII Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte, Santiago, October 1995.

Irani L., N.A. Tyler (1994) MOTOS: The management of traffic in open systems. I World Conference on Advanced Transport Telematics, Paris France, December.

Mackett R.L., N.A. Tyler (1992)  The development of an intelligent design model for multimodal urban public transport systems. Proceedings Sixth World Conference on Transport Research, Lyon, June/July .

Silva P. and N. Tyler (1999) Paradas de Ônibus em Tráfego Misto. Paper presented at the X CLATPU - Congreso Latino Americano de Transporte Público. Caracas, Venezuela, December 1999.

Silva P.C.M. and N. Tyler (1999) Modelagem de Interações entre Operações de Ônibus e Fluxos de Tráfego .Paper presented at the XIII Congresso de Pesquisa e Ensino em Tranportes (ANPET). S.Carlos, Brazil, November 1999.

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Unpublished Conference proceedings

Tyler N.A. (1993b)  Accessibility and mobility: the means for intermodal comparison? Proceedings Universities' Transport Studies Group Conference, Southampton, January.

Tyler N.A. (1989)  Bus priority design using artificial intelligence techniques. Proceedings Universities' Transport Studies Group Conference, Edinburgh, January.

Tyler N.A. (1988)  Decisions: complexity and precision, or simply magic numbers? Proceedings Universities' Transport Studies Group Conference, London, January.

Sakamoto F.H. Tyler N.A. (1988)  Aplicaço de inteligéncia artificial na definaço de esquemas prioritários para o transporte coletivo por ônibus. Proceedings II Encontro Nacional da Associaçao de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transportes, October, Sao Paulo, Brasil (in Portuguese)

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Tyler N.A. (1992)  High capacity bus systems: a design methodology using artificial intelligence. PhD thesis, University of London.

Tyler N.A. (1987)  Decisions: complexity and precision, or simply magic numbers? MSc Thesis, Polytechnic of Central London.

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Other papers

Tyler N. (1999) Practical Research Collaborations: Universities and Local Government Partnership. The Improvement and Development Agency (formerly the Local Government Management Board), ISBN 0 7488 9302 4.

Tyler N.A., (1995)  Real-time bus information: current state and future possibilities. Report to the New South Wales Roads and Traffic Authority. April

Tyler N.A. (1992)  Infrastructure design for buses. Paper presented at the Public transport safety and bus priority seminar, London, April

Tyler N.A. (1990)  The transfer of bus priority technology from Brazil to Perú. Presentation to CODATU V, Sao Paulo, Brazil, September. Unpublished.

Tyler N.A., M.M. Caiaffa (2000) Passenger Facilities at Fully Accessible Bus Stops, Transition, 11, Centre for Independent Transport Research in London, April, pp 3-13.

Tyler N., F. Bitarafen (1998) Fundamental Review of Transport in the London Borough of Hackney. Report to the London Borough of Hackney.

Tyler N.A., J.V. Zegarra, J.C. Dextre (1992)  Nuevos avances en la ingeniería de transporte. Colegio de Ingenieros del Perú, December (in Spanish).

Brown N.L.C.K., N.A. Tyler (1997) Accessible Public Transport Routes in Brighton: Task 2 - Routes 1 and 49 Interim Report. Report to Brighton and Hove Council.

Evans A.W., R.L. Mackett, N.A. Tyler (1991) Comments on the Government's Document "A Bus Strategy for London".

Fernández R., N.L.C.K. Brown, N.A. Tyler (1997) Accessible Public Transport Routes in Brighton: Task 1 - Western Road: Churchill Square Area Improvement. Report to Brighton and Hove Council.

Kean, A.M., N.A. Tyler (1999) Accessibility and Community-Centred Public Transport: Final Report. Report to the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.

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