Staff and student support during the main exam period
21 April 2021
Where to find all the key information needed to support students before and during a centrally-managed exam.

As we approach the start of the main exam period next Monday 26 April, the Examinations Team share a reminder of where to find all the key information needed to support students before and during a centrally-managed exam.
What is a centrally-managed exam?
The guidance and supports below are relevant for centrally-managed exams.
Centrally-managed exams are scheduled and managed by the UCL Examinations Team and appear on the examination timetable. Departments have been involved in providing key information to UCL Examinations and helping to communicate key information to students.
Departmentally-managed exams/assessments are managed solely by the department without any input from the UCL Examinations Team.
These assessments do not appear on the examinations timetable.
AssessmentUCL or Moodle?
All centrally-managed exams for 2021 main exam period will take place on a new platform, AssessmentUCL. This platform is separate to Moodle and is designed specifically for delivering exams and assessments. Find out more about AssessmentUCL.
Departmentally-managed assessments will NOT take place in AssessmentUCL this year, unless it is part of a specific pilot project. In the future, we will be rolling out AssessmentUCL more widely to be able to support a wide range of assessments, including departmentally managed assessments.
See the staff Exams 2021 FAQs page for answers to other commonly asked questions.
Student guidance
Last week, the Examinations Team emailed students sitting centrally-managed exams with a reminder of where to find their timetable, how to get online and where to view the practice exam and all exam instances in AssessmentUCL.
Students will also receive an email this week with essential information ahead of the exam period. This includes a clarification to the 1 hour upload window for timed exams. On the exam timetable and the AssessmentUCL platform, the duration shown for the timed exam does NOT include the additional 1 hour upload time for the submission. When the duration of the timed exam has passed (i.e. the timer has run down to 0), students will still have an additional 1 hour period to ensure their exam is uploaded and submitted correctly.
Please note there is no 1 hour upload window added to 24 hour exams.
You can find all the key guidance for students on the Exams section of the UCL Students’ site, including FAQs, completing a practice exam on AssessmentUCL and what to do if they experience illness or other disruption to an exam.
Exam success tips
The recently revamped Exam Success Guide helps students perform to the best of their ability on the day of their exam and get the best possible results. It sets out advice on effective revision, staying healthy during exam season and preparing for open book exams. The Student Support and Wellbeing Service contact info is also there for any student needing further support with coping during exam season.
A Top Tips for Exam Day page outlines what students can expect from the day itself, what they need to have to hand and strategies for managing their time during remote exams.
Getting ready for marking
You will have the option to mark within AssessmentUCL or download your exam scripts and mark offline.
If you’re thinking ahead to marking, visit our ‘Marking centrally managed exams in 2021’ blog for guidance and videos on the options available.
For step-by-step guidance on marking exams within AssessmentUCL, see the AssessmentUCL Resource Centre.
Daily drop-in sessions are running from 3-4pm every weekday (except bank holidays). There is no need to sign up to these sessions in advance.