


Self-worth Sessions

Striving for perfection and comparing yourself to others can damage your mental wellbeing. Learn how to let go of self-criticisms and remember the skills and successes that brought you to university.

Book onto the Progress Not Perfection Talk

Monday 20th November 2023, 10am-11.30am (102 Drama Studio, IOE)

Book onto the From Imposter to Invincible Talk

Monday 20th November 2023, 2pm-3.30pm (102 Drama Studio, IOE)

Striving for perfection and comparing yourself to others can damage your mental wellbeing. Join these talks with perfectionism and imposter syndrome expert Harriet Waley-Cohen to learn how to let go of self-criticisms and remember the skills and successes that brought you to university.

Progress Not Perfection

Being successful as a student, in our careers and our personal lives is something we all want to achieve, but at what cost? Setting high standards for ourselves can sometimes be detrimental, particularly when we don't meet our own unrealistic expectations. This can lead to burnout, inefficiency, stress and anxiety. 

Throughout this talk, Harriet will explain how we can break free from toxic perfectionism in all areas of life, changing our mindset to strive for progress rather than perfection. You will learn: 

  • What toxic perfectionism looks and feels like, and strategies for tackling it
  • What causes toxic perfectionism and how it can negatively impact you
  • The intersectional lens observing layers of privilege and disadvantage, and how this relates to perfectionism
  • The comparison between a wellbeing-first approach, and a productivity or achievement-based measure for confidence, self-respect and success

Places are limited so make sure you book your spot!

From Imposter to Invincible 

Feeling like a fraud who doesn't deserve the opportunities and life that you find yourself experiencing is a common phenomenon. However, allowing these feelings to dominate and control your behaviour, feelings and thoughts can lead to negative consequences.

This session will teach you how to take control of your inner world and recognise all that you truly are. Harriet's interactive in-person talk will help you to let go of blaming yourself for feeling like an imposter. You will learn: 

  • What causes 'imposter syndrome', from personal life experiences to influential cultural and systemic factors
  • How you can let go of thinking your mindset is the main problem
  • Understand the main mistakes that can embed imposter feelings in your mindset, so that you can move beyond them once and for all
  • Practical action-focused steps you can take to stop feeling like a fraud, show up confidently, step into your power and have the success and respect you deserve

Places are limited so make sure you book your spot!