


SSW Beat the January Blues: Painting and Candle Making Cosy Crafting

Pick up a paint-by-numbers kit provided by the DCP team to create your own painting, or join the UCL Lamorna Society for a step-by-step workshop to make your own candle from scratch.

Book onto the Paint by Numbers Drop-in

Thursday 25th January 2024, 1pm-6pm (Garden Room, Main Wilkins Building)

Book onto a Candle Making Workshop

Thursday 25th January 2024, 5.30pm-8.30pm (Room 728, Institute of Education)

Paint by Numbers Drop-in

Would you like to try your hand at painting, but don't know where to start? Feel the mood-boosting benefits of the creative arts. Take your painting home to enjoy it every day!

Please book in advance so that you can drop in at any time from 1pm-6pm.

Candle Making Workshop

Dreaming of the perfect candle to light up the winter days? Book onto one of our candle making workshops led by the UCL Lamorna Society. You can personalise the type of wax used (soy/paraffin), colour (limitless) and scent of your candle. All materials are provided on the day.

Spaces are limited across the five hourly workshops, so please book your spot in advance.