The Student Enquiries Centre Green Awareness Group win GOLD!
17 August 2021

On July 14th 2021, The Student Enquiries Centre green group joined other UCL sustainability teams for the annual UCL Sustainability Awards. Previously we mentioned that we were working towards gaining an award in the Green Impact award. This is a UCL wide environmental competition and accreditation scheme that allows departments across UCL to improve their environmental impact. As we have started to return to the Campus, we reviewed both our green working from home and on site and made many improvements.
We waited with excitement to see what level we had been successful in and having heard the winners for the awards for Bronze, then Silver, we realised we had successfully gained the Gold Impact Award.
The team are proud to have shown a commitment to making our working life a much more sustainable and environmentally friendly one. We will now strive to continue our journey to adapt and revise working practices for a greener department.
If you would like further information please visit Sustainable UCL.