Managing anxiety during the pandemic
3 December 2020
We understand that the extraordinary circumstances around COVID-19 will have an impact on our health and wellbeing. UCL's Crime Prevention and Personal Safety Adviser, Sophie, gives you her top tips.

As the lockdown restrictions are slowly and gradually relaxed it might be that you feel a bit overwhelmed and anxious about going about our day to day activities, which is completely understandable given all the changes we have experienced this year.
Here are some tips to manage that anxiety as we adapt to travelling around London again:
Familiarise yourself with the rules
Keeping up to date with the regulations means you can go out knowing you are following the rules and can keep yourself safe whilst doing so. For example, remembering to socially distance yourself from others when out in public.
Plan your route and use PPE
Planning your route and method of transport should help you to feel more in control of the process. If you are walking, you might prefer to take routes where there are wider pavements so you can maintain social distancing rules. If you decide to take public transport you may wish to go at off-peak times and take a face covering or mask. Consider measures that will make you feel more comfortable in these situations while always observing restrictions and guidelines.
Keep calm and carry on
Other people are likely to be feeling worried about using public transport at the moment. People may express this anxiety in different ways. If you notice a conflict situation developing between other people near to you or directed towards yourself, please move away and if possible, alert a member of TFL staff or the Police to assist you.
Aside from these simple tips, UCL has support mechanisms in place to ensure help is at hand if you need it.
Contact Student Support and Wellbeing
Contact the Crime Prevention and Personal Safety Adviser
Finally - Look after yourself
If you do feel anxious about recent events, remember to keep talking to friends and family, or seek help from your GP or a mental health professional if you find the anxiety is becoming unmanageable.
Find time for leisure and relaxation; practice mindfulness, go for a walk, get a good night’s sleep. Do whatever works best for you!
Here are some links that you might find useful:
Moodjuice - gives tips on how to deal with and insights into anxiety
NHS overcoming fears information - here's an NHS guide on how to overcome your fears
Last revised: 8 September 2021
Sophie Bimson, UCL's Crime Prevention and Personal Safety Adviser