


International Student Orientation Webinars

The International Student Orientation Webinars are designed to help new international students with any questions they have about life at UCL and in London.


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The webinars will share essential information you need to know before you arrive in UCL and/or London in September 2024. This will involve current international students and a staff member in a podcast setting streamed online. All topics are based on frequently asked questions from new international students and the questions you submit.

Each webinar is the same, so you only need to attend one. Book your tickets below by selecting the date and time you prefer!

Extra details

Webinars will be running from August onwards for students starting at UCL in September 2024. Six webinars will be held in total, split by your study level. 

Postgraduate Taught students

Undergraduate students

Affliate students

Asking questions

  • Submit your questions beforehand. This allows each webinar to be as tailored to its audience as much as possible. 
  • Don't worry about missing a question, you can still ask it live on the day!

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