Readiness for the Examinations
15 April 2021
Centrally Managed Exams 2021
All centrally managed examinations will be delivered via our new on-line platform AssessmentUCL. Both students and those staff involved in the marking process will need to ensure that they are prepared in advance and know what to expect from AssessmentUCL.
All students should now be able to see their exam instances in AssessmentUCL.
Module Registrations in Portico
It is essential that students are correctly registered for their modules in Portico, and where a module is offered at more than one level, that the student is registered for the correct level. The assessment instances within AssessmentUCL are directly linked to module registrations in Portico data and students will NOT be able to access any exams for which they are not registered.
Practice Exam
To ensure that students are familiar with AssessmentUCL and are fully prepared for their exams, they have been given access to a practice exam.
All students should be encouraged to complete the practice exam at least once, using the same device that they plan to use during their exams. Further information can be found at the practice exam section of our exam pages.
ISD has provided some information on how to connect to Wi-Fi where one’s own Wi-Fi may not be reliable. Especially in relation to students in China using China Connect and for students (and staff) in the UK to enable the use of BT Wi-fi without a BT account.
Students with any queries should contact the Examinations Team via AskUCL.
Staff with any questions regarding the roll out of centrally managed exams on AssessmentUCL should be directed to our FAQs.
UCL Digital Education is offering training for those UCL staff who will be responsible for marking centrally managed exams in AssessmentUCL.
This training will cover the basics of how the AssessmentUCL for 2021 are structured and the different options that can be used to mark the students’ papers. In particular, they will demonstrate the grading and annotation tools that are available in the AssessmentUCL platform and outline alternative options including marking using PDF tools.
No registration is required for these training sessions. The dates and joining information can be found here. All staff who will be involved in marking and the moderation of marks must be encouraged to attend one of these sessions.
The Digital Education Team have also produced a Guide to marking centrally managed exams 2021 which you may find helpful.
Remote Support for Students
Staff from ISD, Digital Education and UCL Examinations will be available 08:00 – 20:00 information and links can be found on the online support page
Remote Support for Staff
During the exam period remote support will be available between the hours of 08:00 – 20:00. Information and links can be found on the staff support page.
Contact email for further information: