This page provides a portal to all of UCL's world-class Light & Electron Imaging facilities.
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Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research
Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research Scientific SupportCell & Developmental Biology Confocal Imaging - Rockefeller Imaging Facility
Cell & Developmental Biology Confocal Imaging - Medical Sciences Imaging Facility
Light microscopyUCL-Zeiss Multiscale Imaging Centre (UZMIC)
In addition, three independent research labs (i.e. Henriques, Lowe and Hausser labs) that specialize in imaging technology and applications development can be accessed via B_CLEM@UCL.
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The Centre has a long-standing track record in the development of imaging techniques and has been awarded over £40 million to create a platform for imaging research. CABI is one of the most advanced biomedical imaging facilities in the world, and its pioneering capabilities are helping to keep the UK at the forefront of scientific research.
Further Information (people, publications, working with us, grants and awards).
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The UCL Division of Medicine Electron Microscopy unit is based at the Royal Free Campus, Hampstead providing a service to researchers and clinical departments for 40 years. This unit provides a diagnostic transmission electron microscopy service to NHS and private pathology laboratories and specialises in the diagnosis of renal disorders, but also has experience of a range of disorders requiring ultrastructural analysis.
Further information (List of services, Equipment, Charges, Contact details)
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TThe UCL Cancer Institute Microscopy and Imaging Facility houses a number of microscopy instruments, including instruments capable of long-term time-lapse, laser microdissection and super-resolution, to name a few. The diverse range of instruments allows for flexibility in experiment design and implementation.
The Facility is supported by a dedicated Core Facility Manager, who can contribute to projects by assisting with both the experimental strategy and design of experiments, as well as implementing techniques that require expert knowledge and skills to develop innovative and novel methodologies.
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The confocal microscopes are available to all members of the School after attending a training session. However, to cover the costs of the service contracts on these instruments, there is an hourly charge for their use.
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The facility has the following instruments: FEI Quanta 200 FEG ESEM, a Philips/FEI CM 120 Bio-Twin Transmission Electron Microscope, a Gatan 626 Cryo-holder and a Leica EMFCS Cryo-Ultramicrotome. The Unit also has a Nikon FXA optical microscope, a multi-user facility which is equipped with fluorescence facilities and digital image capture system.
For details please visit UCL School of Pharmacy Electron Microscopy website.
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The facilities of this inter-departmental Unit are shared with the Institute of Child Health, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. The Unit offers comprehensive facilities for specimen preparation and use of Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopes. A full technical service is provided for non-EM users from Departments within the host Institutions and from outside.
The Electron Microscope Suite houses the Jeol 1200EX and Jeol 120CX Transmission Electron Microscopes, the Philips CM10 Transmission Electron Microscope and the JSM35 Scanning Electron Microscope. In addition, the adjacent Preparation Laboratory Area provides several ultramicrotome bays and work areas. Lynx automated tissue processors and two recently acquired Reichert-Leica AFS systems are available for the preparation of samples for TEM and SEM examination. The Unit is equipped with SIS Olympus digital cameras.
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A Hermes imaging system is offered in collaboration with IDEA Bio-Medical in the UCL Cruciform Building which allows for automated image capture and analysis of data in a variety of bioassays. The integrated Athena analysis platform enables simple and rapid quantitation to produce numerical results with minimal training required. For more advanced studies the Minerva analysis package provides the flexibility to meet the needs of the majority of applications.
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Additional apparatus include Transmission Electron Microscope, Raman And FTIR Mapping, Real time quantitative PCR and allele discrimination, ATR FTIR, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, Fatigue Testing, Flow Cytometry, Goniometry, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry ICP-MS, Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry ICP-OES, Ion Chromatography, UV-Visible Spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffraction. Staff are happy to discuss collaborative research measurements with both internal and external users.
For further information please contact Professor Jonathan Knowles.
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Many of the microscope services and techniques are outlined briefly in the Light microscopes and Electron microscopes pages.
We are open to clients from outside the institute and regularly perform work for other departments, academic institutions and businesses.User policy.
User training.
Contact details and other useful information.
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Dr Dale Moulding, facility’s manager, is an expert in the field and can advise on the most suitable investigation for your research. Services available include user training, experimental design, sourcing of reagents and techniques - finding alternative approaches, data acquisition, data analysis - custom designed macros for automated analysis; and data presentation.
Further information including training and booking requests and instruments available.
- Further Information
Also available are a Typhoon 8600 variable mode imager, for imaging gels/membranes using chemiluminescence, fluorescence or phosphor, and DIGE imaging of cy- labelled proteins with software for proteomic analysis. These facilities are available through a booking system at low cost.
For information on cost and to arrange access, contact Dr Shanie Budhram-Mahadeo or Dr Ian Evans.