
UCL Scholarships and funding


Undergraduate Funding and Access Awards

Through the generous donations made by UCL alumni and friends, as well as UCL's own funding initiatives, we are able to offer additional awards to UK students each year.

The Undergraduate Funding and Access Awards (UGFA) enable UK undergraduate students, from a diverse range of backgrounds, to take up their offer of study at UCL. Listed below are the schemes available. 

Key information

Application: Complete one application to be considered for multiple schemes, where you meet criteria
Available to: Prospective students
Eligibility criteria: Please check individual scheme pages (linked below)  
Deadline: 5pm BST, Monday 7 July 2025

How to apply - Application to the UCL Undergraduate Funding and Access Awards is now OPEN.

 Login to Portico with your normal details.
1.    Click on the ‘View’ button for the ‘Active Application’ that you wish to apply for funding for.
2.    In the application screen, click on the ‘Funding’ in the menu at the top of the page.
3.    You are now on the funding page. To find out which funds you are eligible to apply for click 'Check and apply' under ‘Funds Available’.
4.    Click on the scholarship name of the scheme that you wish to apply for.
5.    For help completing the form please read our Undergraduate Scholarship Application Guidance.

NB. For each programme that you wish to apply for funding for, you will need to submit a separate scholarship application form.

These awards are payable in addition to any funding received through the main UCL Undergraduate Bursary.


The UGFAs will be awarded by recommendation by a panel composed of UCL staff. The successful candidates will be notified as soon as decisions are made by mid-September. 

Available awards