Karolina Dziemidowicz awarded EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship
24 September 2021
The two-year fellowship project will focus on the development of drug-releasing dural substitutes for use in decompression neurosurgery following spinal cord injury. Karolina will be hosted by the UCL Centre for Nerve Engineering.
Karolina recently completed her PhD in the CDT in Advanced Therapeutics and Nanomedicines at UCL School of Pharmacy. Karolina’s PhD project, supervised by Professor Gareth Williams and Professor Steve Brocchini, focused on developing antibody-functionalised biomaterials for cancer immunotherapy.

In November 2020, she applied her skills to the new therapeutic area, joining the UCL Centre for Nerve Engineering to work on using electrospun biomaterials for drug delivery to improve nerve regeneration.
Karolina is also the PharmAlliance ECR Liaison, responsible for establishing collaborations and networking opportunities for early career researchers within the partnership.
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