In Mediacentral, if you have made your media publicly available, then it is possible to share this content through a link or Facebook or Twitter. The following information details the process.
Share your video via the Mediacentral Share link
Before you start, first get the correct Mediacentral share code for a link
If you have added your video to the Personal (Public) category, you can send a link and share the video with others. You can access the Share code quite easily, from the email you received confirming your upload was successful:
- Click on the link in the email and this will open your video in Mediacentral
- Click on the 'Share' icon that you will see to the top right of your video
- Copy the url link at the bottom of the frame and copy this

Sharing on Social Media
If you have added your video to the Public Access category you can share the video via Facebook and Twitter. It's quite easy, go to your content on Mediacentral and you will see a link under the video called 'Share". Remember, you need to have a social media account to share this and you should consider carefully if using a personal account whether this is appropriate.
- Upload your content and keep it personal.
- After you have received the email stating your content is ready to view
- Click on the link in the email, this takes you to your content in Mediacentral.
- Then, click on the Share icon in the top right corner
- Enable public access
- You can now view the link and use this to share your media to a wider audience.
- Remember once you have given the link to others they may share it further, so best practice if you distribute a link, is to always explain that this is for their personal use only.
Share your content via Facebook
- In the top right hand corner above your video is a 'Share' button, Click on this to show the Share details:

- Now click on the Facebook icon
- You will then see this box requesting you to login to Facebook

- Once you have logged in you have the opportunity to 'Say something' about the content.

- You can then choose who can see your post, ideally choose 'Only Me' then if you are happy change within Facebook after you have posted.

- Then, if you have added some text, click on 'Post to Facebook' and you will be taken to your Facebook feed and see the post:

Share your content with colleagues or your students
You can send a link to a video or audio file to a colleague, student or external third party by clicking on the 'Envelope' icon.

This opens up an email from your chosen email client and adds the link automatically.