
UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences


PGT scholarship examples

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Display as Table option 1:

Scholarship NameDepartmentProgrammeAmount AvailableCriteria
IRDR Masters ScholarshipIRDRMSc in Risk Disaster and Resilience1 x Full UK Tution FeeAcademic Merit
MSc in Risk and Disaster Science10 x £3000 towards tutition feesMotivation to study on the IRDR Masters programme
UCL Masters BursaryUCL WideAll PGT100 x £10,000UK, Home status, Annual household income of £42,875 or less
UCL PGT Offer holder
Professor Sir Malcolm Grant Postgraduate ScholarshipUCL WideAll PGT1 x £25,000UK Home, UCL UG 
UCL PGT Offer holder
leadership potential and financial need'
Thomas Witherden Batt ScholarshipUCL SciencesAll MSc Programmes1 x £10,000UK Home
UCL PGT Offer holder
Selection based on financial need determined by OfS
Deep Minds ScholarshipSTSScience Technology and Society MSc Tutition Fee + £16,000 maintance grantUK Home
£2,000 to cover attendance at relevant academic conferencesIdentify as British Black-African or British Black-Caribbean
£1,500 for equipmentOR From a household with annual income of £25,000 or less
STS Aristotle StudentshipsSTSAll STS PGT Programmes2 x UK Tutition FeesOffer holders to MSc STS Programme
(overseas students will need to pay difference)Evidence of outstanding acedmic potential, evidence of likely difference-making for the programme
 Potential for contributing to the intellectual and cultural life of the department
The Brown Family ScholarshipChemistryMSc Materials for Energy and Enviornment£15,000UK Home, be in financial need (as identified by the OfS)
Naugton & Clift-Matthews Mathematics ScholarshipMathematicsMSc Financial Mathematics£15,000UK Home, Black African or Black-Caribbean and/or
MSc Mathematical Modelling(per year)Household income below £25,0000 and/or
On an Access UCL undergraduate offer
Dennis Curry ScholarhshipEarth SciencesMSC GeoScience£4000 or 2 x £2000UK Home, MSc Geoscience applicants
Academic CV
Interest in Geoscience - particicularly Micropaleontology

Display as teaser items option 2:


UCL Masters Bursary - All PGT

Department: UCL wide
Amount avaliable: 100 x £10,000
Criteria: UK, Home status, Annual household income of £42,875 or less, Motivation to study on the IRDR Masters programme