
UCL Faculty of Life Sciences


Our vision and approach

We are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) at UCL Life Sciences, and have made it a central focus of our activities and culture.

Our vision and approach

We believe that there is real momentum in achieving significant gains toward Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion now. This will benefit current and future generations and we are determined for UCL and the Faculty of Life Sciences to lead these efforts. Our aim is to assemble those in our faculty that are willing to lead on actions promoting Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, and to increase the visibility of our efforts within the faculty by sharing good practice and driving a cultural change.

We have used a proven eight-step process to embed this change across the UCL Faculty of Life Sciences to great effect.  You can read more about the process we’ve gone through here:  Embedding a successful EDI culture – in eight steps 

FLS EDI Operations Group

Rob de Bruin (Chair) | FLS Vice Dean EDI, LMCB
Vacant | FLS LGBTQ+ Equity Lead, LMCB
Stephen Perkins | FLS Disability Equity Lead, Biosciences
Sudax Murdan | FLS Religion and Belief Equity Lead, SoP
Vilaiwan Fernandes | FLS Race Equity Lead, Biosciences
Vacant | FLS Gender Equity Lead
Afia Ali | FLS Student Success Lead
Sukh Thiara | FLS Student Wellbeing Adviser                 
Louise Cramer | LMCB, EDI Committee
Louise Brown | SoP, Racial Equity Committee           
Satyanarayana Somavarapu | SoP, Racial Equity Committee 
Nazif Alic | Biosciences, Athena SWAN
Tara Keck | Biosciences, Racial Equity Committee
Ryan Felice |  Biosciences, Racial Equity Committee
Zoe Gawthorne | SWC, Athena SWAN              
I-Chen Lin | SWC, GCNU/SWC Athena SWAN SAT 
Peter Orbanz |  GCNU, Athena SWAN SAT
Tom Glynn | Faculty EDI liaison, LMS

FLS EDI Committee

Rob de Bruin (Chair) | Vice-Dean EDI, FLS
Gail Taylor | Dean, FLS
Suzy Adcock |  Director of Operations, FLS
Afia Ali | BME Attainment Lead, FLS
Chloe Evans |  HR Business Partner, FLS
Sophie Acton | Academic Representative, LMCB
Renata Adamcova | Head of Administrative & Support Services, LMCB
Catherine Tuleu |  Academic Representative, SoP
Steve Bunting |  Divisional Manager, SoP
Sandip Patel  | Academic Representative, Biosciences
Vacant | Associate Director EDI, Biosciences
Mike Sainsbury | Divisional Manager, GCNU
Jessica Broni-Tabi or Tom Otis | Academic Representative, SWC
Tom Glynn |  Faculty EDI liaison, LMS

FLS Equity Leads

The five 'Equity Lead' positions for the Faculty of Life Sciences cover five protected characteristics; Gender, LGBTQ+, Disability, Race, and Religion and Beliefs. Equity Leads are a member of the FLS EDI Operations Group, and the point of contact for issues related to these specific protected characteristics for staff and students from the Faculty of Life Sciences Departments/Divisions/Institutes. In addition, they will sit on UCL Equity Groups to support the delivery of UCL priorities related to specific protected characteristics.

Equity Leads have a proactive role in identifying and enabling actions to ensure real change for these protected characteristics at Faculty level to contribute to a long-term structured and practical approach for bringing about the cultural and systemic changes at UCL.