
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology


Document Delivery

Who can use this service?

The Queen Square Library provides a document delivery / inter-library loan service to registered library users, including: staff and students from UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, staff from the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, and other UCL staff based in Queen Square.

External libraries who would like us to supply an item as an Interlibrary Loan should please contact us at neurolibrary@ucl.ac.uk with details of the request. Please note there is a charge for this service; please include your BL account number which we will use for payment.

What types of document are available?

Our registered users can request digital journal articles and book loans providing that the request falls within copyright regulations. We may also be able borrow on your behalf the whole issue of a journal from the British Library on condition that the issue is over 6 months old.

How do I make a request?

Requests must be placed using the online form in UCL Explore. You will need to be logged into your library account to place a request. Please give as much detail as you can as this will help us to supply your request more quickly.

How much will it cost?

Please note that a charge may be made for interlibrary loan requests. UCL Library website lists the standard charges and the charges are added to your library account. We are not able to take cash payments at Queen Square Library, so please visit the website for information about how to pay (scroll down to the section 'How do I pay my library fines and fees?').

When will it arrive?

We aim to supply requests within one week, though please be aware that delivery speeds depend on our suppliers. We have arrangements with many libraries to ensure that we have access to a wide range of books and journals, but supply times vary depending on their work load. If we have not heard from the supplying library within 2 weeks, we will contact them about the request. Sometimes the item requested may already be on loan to another library, in which case we will be put on a waiting list. We will inform you if you will have to wait, and will give you the option of cancelling your request, where possible. 

Locating the information yourself

Registered library users are able to visit other UCL libraries to borrow or photocopy items in person or use the Click & Collect service. UCL staff and students may also use the Scan & Send service. If you would like to check whether the book or journal you need is available at another UCL Library, check Explore (our library catalogue).

You may also be able to visit libraries outside UCL, depending on their access regulations. Find out more on our other libraries page and be sure to check each library's website before visiting, to ensure you will be allowed access.