
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology



The Queen Square Institute of Neurology is one of the world's largest, most productive and highest-impact neuroscience centres. More than 90% of UCL’s neuroscience research was rated world-leading or internationally excellent in the latest REF.

Our research spans the whole spectrum of basic and clinical research into neurological disorders, and we have extensive collaborations with both the UCL Neuroscience Domain and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. 


Research departments

We have eight departments covering clinical and basic research, spanning areas that range from brain rehabilitation to neuromuscular diseases.

Dementia Research Centre

Our research centres

These include the MRC International Centre for Genomic Medicine in Neuromuscular Diseases.


Clinical divisions

Alongside our departments, we have divisions representing professional affiliations and providing a forum for those with similar specialist training.

QSCTC logo

Queen Square Clinical Trials Centre

The Queen Square Clinical Trial Centre is a collaborative central research centre bringing together research enthusiasm across neurology, stroke and neurosurgery.

translational research graphic

Our Translational Research and Enterprise resources

The Institute supports and facilitates researchers wishing to embark on the translational pathway and offers many resources to reach their goals.

New neuroscience facility

IoN-DRI programme

We are building a world-class environment to fight neurological disease, delivering a new hub that will be one of the leading translational neuroscience centres in the world. 

REF graphic research power
 The research excellence and impact of UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology research has been recognised in the Research Excellence Framework 2021.


We are delighted to have maintained our position as best in the UK for Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience according to research power. 

Please see also our publications and impact page

MRI Research Facilities

MRI scanner
MR research is performed across 5 different facilities. Please see our web pages to discover what each can do and how to approach them.