The databases listed below are the most likely to be of interest to the staff and students of Queen Square. You can also view a list of all UCL databases including non-healthcare databases (many of these are available to NHS users via the UCL walk-in service). If you work for the NHS, you can access databases provided by the NHS via the NHS Knowledge & Library Hub and Healthcare Evidence Resources (UCLH intranet users only). Also visit:
- advice about logging in: includes UCL accounts and NHS OpenAthens accounts.
- our online guides, for help using databases.
Databases and search tools likely to be of interest to the staff and students at Queen Square.
- BMJ Best Practice
- British National Formulary: BNF
- British Nursing Index: BNI
- Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health: CINAHL
- Cochrane Library
- Drug & Therapeutics Bulletin: DTB
- Embase
- Emcare
- Google Scholar
- Health and Psychosocial Instruments: HaPI
- Health Management Information Consortium: HMIC
- Medline
- PsycInfo
- Pubmed
- Scopus
- Turning Research Into Practice: TRIP
- UpToDate
- Web of Science
AMED: Allied and Complementary Medicine
AMED indexes about 500 journals from 1985 onwards, covering topics such as: complementary medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation, podiatry, palliative care. There is a European emphasis and many of the journals are not covered by other biomedical sources.
- UCL access via Ovid - no login is required within the UCL network; off-site access requires a UCL account.
- NHS access via Proquest Dialog - an NHS OpenAthens account is required for access. [1 April 2024: we have been advised that AMED for NHS staff is now accessed via the Proquest Dialog platform, rather than via the Ovid platform as before. Please contact us if you need any advice or assistance using AMED in the new version.]
BMJ Best Practice
Best Practice is a "point of care" tool produced by BMJ and designed to support clinicians in their decision making from diagnosis to treatment.
- UCL access - BMJ Best Practice - a UCL account is required to login and then additional (free) registration on your first visit to the site will allow you to download the app for offline access. Instructions are available from the BMJ site.
- NHS access - BMJ Best Practice - read the instructions on the landing page and use your NHS OpenAthens account to sign in. Signing in also allows you to track your CPD/CME activity on the site - see full instructions on the BMJ site.
British National Formulary: BNF
BNF is published by BMA and RPSGB, is intended mainly for doctors, pharmacists and nurses and offers up-to-date guidance on the selection, prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines prescribed in the UK, with special reference to their indications, cautions, contra-indications, side-effects, dosage and relative costs.
- UCL access - access the BNF online with a UCL account.
- NHS app access - an app version of the BNF (plus BNFC) is available to NHS staff & students following an NHS-commissioned education programme which involves practice and placement within NHS provider services.
British Nursing Index: BNI
BNI indexes articles from over 400 English language nursing & allied health journals published in the UK, covering all aspects of nursing, midwifery and community healthcare.
- NHS access via Proquest - an NHS OpenAthens account is required for access.
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health: CINAHL
CINAHL indexes a wide range of English language nursing journals, plus journals covering allied health disciplines.
- UCL access via EBSCOhost - (CINAHLPlus version) - no login is required within the UCL network; off-site access requires a UCL account.
- NHS access via EBSCOhost - (CINAHLIndex version) - an NHS OpenAthens account is required for access.
Cochrane Library
Cochrane Library indexes high-quality evidence to inform healthcare decision-making and includes the full text of Cochrane Reviews, systematic reviews on a wide range of healthcare topics.
- Cochrane Library - no username and password required within the UK.
Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin: DTB
DTB provides independent evaluations of, and practical advice on, individual treatments and the overall management of disease for doctors, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals. Articles are based on a synthesis of evidence with opinions from a wide range of specialist and generalist commentators, typically up to 100 individuals and organisations for each article.
- UCL access - no login is required within the UCL network; off-site access requires a UCL account.
- NHS access - an NHS OpenAthens account is required (access to this resource has been provided to UCLH staff by UCL Library Services).
Embase indexes over 4600 journals from 1980 onwards, covering drugs & toxicology, clinical medicine, biotechnology and bioengineering, psychiatry, forensic medicine.
- UCL access via Ovid - no login is required within the UCL network; off-site access requires a UCL account.
- NHS access via Ovid - an NHS OpenAthens account is required for access. To access the OpenAthens login screen, first click the ‘OpenAthens’ link underneath the normal login boxes and then search for 'NHS in England' as your organisation.
Emcare indexes over 3,700 journals back to 1995, covering all nursing specialties and nursing healthcare professions and including content not found in other nursing and allied health databases.
- UCL access via Ovid - no login is required within the UCL network; off-site access requires a UCL account.
- NHS access via Ovid - an NHS OpenAthens account is required for access. To access the OpenAthens login screen, first click the ‘OpenAthens’ link underneath the normal login boxes and then search for 'NHS in England' as your organisation.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar differs from regular Google in that it links only to full-text resources, however please be aware that Scholar does not offer tools for systematic searching and your results may vary depending on your Google profile and previous search behaviour. Access to the full-text of Scholar results is not guaranteed; you should refer to the ejournals listings to find out which journals you can access.
- Google Scholar - no username and password are required.
Health and Psychosocial Instruments: HaPI
HaPI provides ready access to information on measurement instruments (i.e., questionnaires, interview schedules, checklists, index measures, coding schemes/ manuals, rating scales, projective techniques, vignettes/scenarios, tests) in various fields including health fields and psychosocial sciences. Coverage is from 1985- .
- UCL access via Ovid - no login is required within the UCL network; off-site access requires a UCL account.
- NHS access via Ovid - an NHS OpenAthens account is required for access. To access the OpenAthens login screen, first click the ‘OpenAthens’ link underneath the normal login boxes and then search for 'NHS in England' as your organisation.
Health Management Information Consortium: HMIC
HMIC is a guide to literature on health management and policy, with an emphasis on the UK National Health Service, but also including Europe (including Eastern Europe) and developing countries.
- UCL access via Ovid - no login is required within the UCL network; off-site access requires a UCL account.
- NHS access via Ovid - an NHS OpenAthens account is required for access. To access the OpenAthens login screen, first click the ‘OpenAthens’ link underneath the normal login boxes and then search for 'NHS in England' as your organisation.
There are various routes to the Medline database, including Pubmed. Medline is considered by many to be the primary source for searching medical literature and indexes over 5500 journals from 1946 onwards. As well as covering medicine it includes journals for nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care system and pre-clinical sciences.
- Access via PubMed - no username and password required. An enhanced version for UCL users is available via UCL Explore.
- UCL access via Ovid - no login is required within the UCL network; off-site access requires a UCL account.
- NHS access via Ovid - an NHS OpenAthens account is required for access. To access the OpenAthens login screen, first click the ‘OpenAthens’ link underneath the normal login boxes and then search for 'NHS in England' as your organisation.
- NHS access via Proquest - an NHS OpenAthens account is required for access.
PsycInfo indexes over 2000 publications from 1872 onwards, covering psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences. PsycInfo also includes some books and dissertations.
- UCL access via Ovid - no login is required within the UCL network; off-site access requires a UCL account.
- NHS access via Proquest - an NHS OpenAthens account is required for access.
Scopus indexes over 16000 journals from 1996 onwards, covering science, technical, medical and social science topics and also includes patents and other web resources. Scopus also allows for citation tracking.
- UCL access to Scopus - no login is required within the UCL network; off-site access requires a UCL account.
- NHS access to Scopus - available via UCL's walk-in service.
Turning Research Into Practice: TRIP
The TRIP Database brings together 'evidence-based' healthcare resources available on the internet. There are over 29,000 links from about 70 sources - including peer-reviewed journals and 'eTextbooks'. The site is updated monthly.
- UCL access to basic TRIP - no username and password required for access.
- NHS access to TRIP Pro - an NHS OpenAthens account is required for access.
UpToDate is a "point-of-care" tool designed to help clinicians make the right decisions. Content is continually updated to reflect changes to the evidence-base & is written by a global community of 5,100 physicians. UpToDate also includes some basic patient information for some medical conditions.
- NHS access - no username and password is required within the UCLH network. For offsite access via the UpToDate website or app, you must first register on the UpToDate website using a UCLH computer. You can then download the mobile app and use your new UpToDate details to log in. NB: to keep your mobile account active you must log in to UpToDate from a computer within the UCLH network at least once every 90 days.
- UCL access - UCL users do not have access to UpToDate.
Web of Science
WoS offers a range of databases including: Science Citation Index which indexes over 5500 journals from 1945 onwards, covering a wide range of scientific disciplines, including biochemistry, biology, medicine, neuroscience, oncology, pharmacology, psychiatry. WoS also offers Conference Proceedings Citation Index, covering conference literature from 1990 onwards. WoS also allows for citation tracking.
- UCL access to Web of Science - no login is required within the UCL network; off-site access requires a UCL account.
- NHS access to Web of Science - available via UCL's walk-in service