
IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


Made at IOE

Twelve stories from IOE were chosen by the UCL community to represent the best of UCL as part of its new #MadeAtUCL campaign. The campaign highlights 100 stories showing how UCL works to improve lives and communities and create real world impact.

These stories celebrate how we have been touching lives across the fields of health, technology, culture, the environment, communities, and justice and equality through our ground-breaking research and discoveries.

Somme: First World War Centenary Battlefield Tours Programme

First World War Centenary Battlefield Tour Programme

The First World War Centenary Battlefield Tour Programme, devised by the UCL Institute of Education for secondary school pupils, has had a ripple effect of reaching over 15 million people in England with stories from the Western Front over 100 years ago.


A landmark case to protect refugee rights

Socio-legal and migration expert, Dr Agnieszka Kubal, spearheaded a landmark legal case to protect the rights of refugees, which had been deemed migrant workers. The case went to the European Court of Human Rights and set a global precedent.

Holocaust Memorial

Supporting teachers to educate pupils about the Holocaust

The Holocaust was an atrocity which raises questions that reverberate to the present day. Teaching the facts can be challenging as can fully comprehending them. The UCL Centre for Holocaust Education provides a unique research-informed programme to support teachers.

Children in science class

Attracting a wider range of people to STEM careers

Despite huge investment aimed at engaging more young people with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), there are notable inequalities in participation in terms of gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic background at every stage of the post-16 education pipeline.

Man writing on whiteboard

Better employment prospects for autistic adults

UCL academics are working together with autistic adults and employers to improve employment opportunities, highlight the huge advantage that neurodiversity brings to companies and develop more inclusive workplace policies.

Smart watch

UCL helping us stay IN-TOUCH

How might the expansion of digital touch technologies influence social interaction and tactile communication in the future? Discover how UCL Minds and IN-TOUCH are exploring the social implications of future digital touch technologies.

Smiling girl among group of children

Ending violence against girls in schools

Girls all over the world face violence every day. Researchers from IOE are changing policies, practices and attitudes in communities and schools to improve the lives of millions of girls.