
Institute of Communications and Connected Systems


Prof Kit Wong

Profile picture of Kit Wong

Professor of Wireless Communications

E: kai-kit.wong@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 (0)20 7679 2895 (int. 32895)

Research group
Information and Communication Engineering

Cognitive radio networks| Full duplex communication | mm-wave communication | Physical-layer security | Massive MIMOMachine learning


Kai-Kit Wong received the BEng, the MPhil, and the PhD degrees, all in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, in 1996, 1998, and 2001, respectively. His PhD thesis was on multiuser MIMO wireless communications, supervised by Professor Ross Murch and Professor Khaled Ben Letaief. After graduation, he joined the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the University of Hong Kong as a Research Assistant Professor, working closely with Professor Tung-Sang Ng. From July 2003 to December 2003, he visited the Wireless Communications Research Department of Lucent TechnologiesBell-Labs, Holmdel, NJ, U.S., to study the optimization in broadcast MIMO channels, under the supervision of Dr G. J. Foschini and Dr R. Valenzuela. After that, he then joined the Smart Antennas Research Group of Stanford University as Visiting Assistant Professor conducting research on overloaded MIMO signal processing, under the supervision of Professor Arogyaswami Paulraj. From 2005 to August 2006, he was with the Department of Engineering, the University of Hull, U.K., as Communications Lecturer. Since August 2006, he has been with University College London, first at Adastral Park Campus and at present the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, where he is Professor of Wireless Communications.

Professor Wong is Fellow of IEEE and Fellow of IET. He is also on the editorial board of IEEE Wireless Communications LettersIEEE Communications LettersIEEE ComSoc/KICS Journal of Communications and Networks, and IET Communications. He is Senior Editor for the IEEE Communications Letters and IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. He also served as Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications from 2005-2011 and IEEE Signal Processing Letters from 2009-2012. His current research interests centre around:

  • Game-theoretic cognitive radio networks
  • Cooperative and relaying communications
  • Multiuser communications theory
  • Physical-layer security
  • Massive MIMO
  • Energy-harvesting wireless communications
  • HetNets, small cells
  • Full-duplex wireless communications