
UCL Human Resources


DSDP: Knowledge and Intellectual Abilities

Develop your intellectual abilities, expand your knowledge base and learn the techniques needed to create impactful research.

*Please note: course dates and booking links will be gradually added on a termly basis. Please check back again to stay tuned. If not indicated differently, courses are held online.

1. Principles and Tools for Data Collection and Analysis

Software for Success

Date:Course Title:
02 October 2024Which is the best survey tool for me?
08 October 2024Software for success: Data analysis and statistical tools
22 October 2024Software for success: Winning with charts
28 October 2024Introduction to data visualisation
30 October 2024Software for success: Working with bibliography and citation Apps
05 November 2024Software for success: Writing tools
27 November 2024Getting started with your first Microsoft Power Automate tasks

Mastering Excel

Date:Course Title:
2024 - 2025Sample Size Estimation and Power Calculations with Excel (self-paced)
02 October 2024In a Nutshell: Excel functions we should all know
16 October 2024Excel Essential Skills - Workshop 1 (in person)
16 October 2024Excel Tips and Tricks
17 October 2024Intermediate data analysis with Excel
23 October 2024Excel Essential Skills - Workshop 1 (in person)
30 October 2024Charting with Excel
31 October 2024Pivot Tables in Excel
31 October 2024Xlookup in Excel
05 November 2024Excel Essential Skills - Workshop 1 (in person)
12 November 2024Excel Essential Skills - Workshop 2 (in person)
13 November 2024Charting with Excel
14 November 2024Pivot Tables in Excel
14 November 2024Xlookup in Excel
20 November 2024Excel Tips and Tricks
21 November 2024In a Nutshell: Excel functions we should all know
26 November 2024Excel Essential Skills - Workshop 2 (in person)
03 December 2024Advanced data analysis with Excel (in person)
10 December 2024Excel Essential Skills - Workshop 3 (in person)

Data Analysis and Visualisation

Date:Course Title:
2024 - 2025Introduction to R (self-paced)
03 October 2024An introduction to R with RStudio (in person)
25 October 2024Microsoft Power BI - A demonstration and introduction
31 October 2024An introduction to R with RStudio (in person)
04 November 2024Getting started with Stata (in person)
08 November 2024An introduction to R with RStudio (in person)
26 November 2024In a Nutshell: starting an NVivo project
28 November 2024Better Tables in R (in person)
04 December 2024Scripting Stata Graphs
05 December 2024Data manipulation in R with RStudio
10 December 2024Data visualisation in R with ggplot2 (in person)


Date:Course Title:
10 October 2024MATLAB beginner
17 October 2024MATLAB novice
25 October & 01 November 2024Introduction to programming with Python for research
06 & 07 November 2024Software carpentry (Bash, Git, Python)
07 November 2024Think like a computer programmer (in person)
15 & 22 November 2024Introduction to research software development with Python
04 December 2024Introduction to Git version control
05 December 2024Collaboration using Git and GitHub
05 December 2024Navigating file versions in Git

Interaction and Collaboration 

Date:Course Title:
03 October 2024Qualtrics: Tips and tricks in collecting and viewing survey data
23 October 2024Invitation, reminders and user permission in REDCap
23 October 2024Setting up a REDCap project

DSD: Office Hours

Date:Course Title:
Term TimeDSD: Office Hours Appointment
2. Principles and Tools for Literature Review

Search strategies and databases

Date:Course Title:
2024 - 2025Search strategies for literature searching (self-paced tutorial)
2024 - 2025Searching for systematic reviews: introduction (self-paced tutorial)
2024 - 2025Essential search skills for biomedical databases (self-paced tutorial)
2024 - 2025Sources of socio-economic data (self-paced tutorial)
24 September 2024Introduction to searching Ovid databases (Medline, Embase, PsycINFO)
08 October 2024Literature searching using PubMed (in person)
15 October 2024Introduction to finding research literature
15 October 2024Literature searching using Ovid databases (Medline, Embase, PsycINFO) (in person)
16 October 2024Introduction to searching Ovid databases (Medline, Embase, PsycINFO)
17 October 2024Introduction to Overton
28 October 2024Getting started with your systematic review in health and biomedical sciences (in person)
29 October 2024Introduction to finding research literature
30 October 2024Introduction to PubMed: demonstration
07 November 2024Literature searching using PubMed (in person)
08 November 2024Literature searching using PubMed (in person)
12 November 2024Introduction to searching Proquest databases
12 November 2024Search strategies for literature searching (in person)
15 November 2024Search strategies for literature searching (in person)
18 November 2024Getting started with your systematic review
19 November 2024Introduction to searching Ovid databases (Medline, Embase, PsycINFO)
19 November 2024Literature searching using Ovid databases (Medline, Embase, PsycINFO) (in person)
21 November 2024Introduction to PubMed: demonstration
25 November 2024Introduction to finding research literature
03 December 2024Getting started with your systematic review
04 December 2024Introduction to searching Ovid databases (Medline, Embase, PsycINFO)
05 December 2024Literature searching using Ovid databases (Medline, Embase, PsycINFO) (in person)
06 December 2024Literature searching and databases for biomedicine (in person)
10 December 2024Introduction to PubMed: demonstration

Library Resources

Date:Course Title:
2024 - 2025Introduction to special collections (self-paced tutorial)
2024 - 2025Handling rare books, archives, manuscripts and records (self-paced tutorial)
07 October 2024Handling rare books, archives, manuscripts and records (in person)
08 October 2024Overview of library resources for postgraduates
14 October 2024Overview of library resources for postgraduates
16 October 2024Overview of library resources for postgraduates (in person)
29 October 2024Overview of library resources for postgraduates
11 November 2024Introduction to using special collections in your research (in person)
18 November 2024Introduction to using special collections in your research

Referencing and Reference Management 

Date:Course Title:
2024 - 2025Introduction to referencing (self-paced)
2024 - 2025Introduction to EndNote: training activities (self-paced)
2024 - 2025Introduction to Mendeley: training activities (self-paced)
2024 - 2025Introduction to Zotero: training activities (self-paced)
02 October 2024Introduction to EndNote: demonstration
11 October 2024Introduction to Zotero (in person)
17 October 2024Introduction to Zotero
22 October 2024Introduction to referencing (in person)
23 October 2024Referencing: Questions and answers
24 October 2024Introduction to EndNote (in person)
25 October 2024Introduction to EndNote: demonstration
29 October 2024Getting more out of Endnote: questions and answers
29 October 2024Introduction to Mendeley (in person)
30 October 2024Introduction to EndNote (in person)
31 October 2024Introduction to Mendeley: demonstration
07 November 2024Introduction to EndNote (in person)
11 November 2024Introduction to EndNote: demonstration (Mac)
12 November 2024Getting more out of Mendeley: questions and answers
12 November 2024Getting more out of Zotero: questions and answers
13 November 2024Introduction to referencing (in person)
14 November 2024Introduction to Mendeley (in person)
15 November 2024Introduction to EndNote: demonstration
19 November 2024Introduction to Zotero
21 November 2024Introduction to EndNote (in person)
26 November 2024Introduction to EndNote (in person)
26 November 2024Introduction to Mendeley: demonstration
28 November 2024Introduction to EndNote: demonstration
29 November 2024Getting more out of Endnote: questions and answers
03 December 2024Introduction to Mendeley (in person)
04 December 2024Getting more out of Endnote: questions and answers
05 December 2024Introduction to Zotero (campus-based)
11 December 2024Introduction to Zotero (in person)
11 December 2024Referencing: Questions and answers
3. Tools for Research Communication

Written Content

Date:Course Title:
01 October 2024Creating accessible Word documents
08 October 2024Creating accessible PowerPoint presentations
10 October 2024Creating accessible documents with LaTeX (in person)
29 October 2024Format your thesis (Windows) - Manage long documents in Word
30 October 2024PowerPoint for Researchers and Presenters: words, images and more
12 November 2024The Writing Series: Format your thesis (Mac)
13 November 2024Word tips and tricks
14 November 2024PowerPoint for researchers (Mac)
18 November 2024Effective use of OneNote

Tools for Research Dissemination and Engagement

Date:Course Title:
08 October 2024Using the MediaPod to make professional quality videos (in person)
15 October 2024Design an impactful research poster using UCL templates
22 October 2024Basic image editing using free tools - demonstration
22 October 2024Best practice for video captions and transcripts
29 October 2024Creating infographics using free web-based tools
12 November 2024Make a short film using your iPhone
12 November 2024Planning and filming advice for a short film
19 November 2024Creating infographics using free web-based tools
19 November 2024Podcasting made easy        
26 November 2024An introduction to free graphic design tools - Inkscape
03 December 2024Creating accessible social media content
10 December 2024Photo editing with Pixlr X - workshop

DSD: Office Hours

Date:Course Title:
Term TimeDSD: Office Hours Appointment
4. Research Methodologies and Analysis

Statistics for Research

Date: Course Title:
2024 - 2025Introduction to Statistics and Research Methods (self-paced)
2024 - 2025Basic Statistics for Research (self-paced)
2024 - 2025Introduction to Meta-Analysis (self-paced)
2024 - 2025Introduction to Bayesian Analysis (self-paced)
13, 20, 27 Nov & 4 Dec 2024Statistics for Researchers: Scientific method, probability and statistics
21, 22, 27, 28 & 29 Nov 2024Understanding statistical concepts in research (in person)

Quantitative Methods and Analysis

Date: Course Title:
2024 - 2025   Nature Masterclass: Experiments: From Idea to Design (self-paced)
2024 - 2025Nature Masterclass: Data Analysis: Planning and Preparing (self-paced)
2024 - 2025Nature Masterclass: Data Analysis: Conducting and Troubleshooting (self-paced)
2024 - 2025Nature Masterclass: Interpreting Scientific Results (self-paced)
2024 - 2025Introduction to Regression Analysis (self-paced)
2024 - 2025Introduction to Logistic Regression (self-paced)
2024 - 2025Introduction to Dealing with Missing Data (self-paced)
2024 - 2025Assessing Measurement Reliability and Validity (self-paced)
14, 15 & 16 October 2024SPM for fMRI and MRI/VBM
19, 20, 21 & 22 November 2024Applied Regression Analysis with Real Data: From Linear to Poisson

Qualitative Methods and Analysis

Date: Course Title:
2024 - 2025Critical appraisal of qualitative research for life and medical sciences students and early career researchers (self-paced online tutorial)
2024 - 2025Critical appraisal of a randomised controlled trial for life and medical sciences students and early career researcher (self-paced online tutorial)
2024 - 2025Critical Appraisal (self-paced)
23 October 2024Reading a paper: Critical appraisal of a randomised controlled trial (in person) 
01 November 2024Introduction to critical appraisal of quantitative health research
12 November 2024Reading a paper: Critical appraisal of a randomised controlled trial (in person)
20 & 26 November 2024Mixed method approach in social sciences (in person)
10 December 2024Introduction to qualitative analysis: Interviewing (in person)
5. Creativity in Research
Date:Course Title:
16 October 2024Creative thinking in research
19 November 2024Creativity in research