"The UCL Doctoral Skills Development Programme (DSDP) is designed to help doctoral researchers develop skills for research, professional development and employment. The DSDP is mapped to the Researcher Development Framework. You should seek to develop across all sub-domains, depending on your self-assessment, taking advantage of a variety of activities across the programme. Doctoral researchers are expected to spend 10 days every year on skills development." — Professor David Bogle, Pro-Vice-Provost (Doctoral School & ECR Staff)
Networking and Collaboration | Presentation and Public Speaking | Entrpreneurship and Enterprise | Research Engagement and Impact | Teaching and Supervision | Writing and Publication
Principles and Tools for Data Collection and Analysis | Principles and Tools for Literature Review | Research Methodologies and Analysis | Tools for Research Communication
The framework describes the knowledge, behaviour and attributes of successful researchers. For more information, please visit the Researcher Development Framework (RDF).
Course Catalogue
This catalogue provides an overview of researcher development courses for 2024/25 academic year. Courses have been arranged into helpful collections to assist you when navigating the development programmes.