
Graduation Ceremonies


IOE Graduation 2021

Congratulations to our graduating class, from everyone in the IOE faculty! We are delighted to invite you and your family and friends to join us for this year's ceremonies, held during the week commencing 25 October 2021.

A message from the IOE's Director and Dean

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How are you celebrating?

Sharing your big day

Use the hashtags #WeAreIOE and #UCLGrad on all social platforms. Don't forget to tag @ioelondon in your Instagram Stories and we'll share them for our virtual community to see!

See Graduation 2021 Twitter Moments

IOE selfie booth

A selection of your proudest selfie booth moments.

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Achievement spotlights

Undergraduate students win prestigious national awards

British Psychological Society (BPS) Undergraduate Award

Bella (Psychology with Education BSc) has been awarded the British Psychological Society (BPS) Undergraduate Award, for her achievement of the highest overall score of her degree programme. Bella also won the IOE Faculty medal, which is given annually to the best final year undergraduate student in the faculty.

UK Data Service Dissertation Award

Oluwanifemi Alonge and Haohao Lei (both Social Sciences with Quantitative Methods BSc) have each been awarded the Dissertation Prize 2021, for outstanding social science dissertations based on excellent reuse of data available through the UK Data Service.

IOE winners of UCL Student's Union Awards

Academic Representative of the Year

The UCL Student's Union Academic Representative of the Year Awards celebrate those who went the extra mile to represent their peers and worked with staff to make student’s academic experience better. Congratulations to Zedong Qin (Department of Learning and Leadership), who as 2021 faculty winner for the IOE, has been highly praised for her “hard work, countless efforts and thoughtful help”, and for being a proactive representative.

Volunteer of the Year

Congratulations to Amy Cotter (Social Policy and Social Research MSc), who was one of two Volunteer of the Year 2021 award winners. She was nominated for her work researching the wellbeing of trainee and early career teachers to develop charity Mind With Heart’s wellbeing resources. Watch Amy's awards ceremony speech, and read about her volunteering experience.

Messages from your teaching and learning teams


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Dr Nicola Abbott, Psychology with Education BSc Programme Leader.

Your perseverance and resilience has been inspiring

Evi Katsapi (IOE)
Congratulations! You have completed your degree and you have made it to the world of graduates. It hasn’t been an easy journey but your perseverance and resilience has been inspiring. I am so proud of each one of you!
Thank you for trusting us with your higher education and for being our partners in the journey of online learning and teaching. Thank you for making our degree better with your contributions and your presence.
While you are endeavouring on new adventures, use everything you gained from your time at the IOE; the experiences, the knowledge and your friendships. Seize every day, dare to do new things, and grab every opportunity that comes your way. Remember to be kind to yourselves and others, especially during challenging times!
Miss Evi Katsapi, Psychology with Education BSc Programme Leader.

Once-in-a-century challenge

Dr Georgina Brewis
I want to offer a huge congratulations to the Education Studies BA graduates of 2021. You’ve managed to complete your degrees during an extra-ordinarily difficult, once-in-a-century challenge – and if you can do that, you can do anything! The whole Education Studies BA team are super proud of you all. My best wishes for your future studies, work or volunteering roles in the future.

Dr Georgina Brewis, Education Studies BA Co-Programme Leader.

A passport for a bright, exciting future

Dr Talia Isaacs (IOE)
You did it! You made it through the most unpredictable of years, working under such challenging circumstances and showing tremendous resilience. Those are recipes for success in life and you can bank the experience. We hope your degree at UCL was a personally and professionally enriching experience and will be a passport for the bright, exciting future that is to follow. Chapeau! (Hats off!)

Dr Talia Isaacs, TESOL In-Service MA Programme Leader.

As this chapter closes,

Dr Zsófia Demjén
To all Applied Linguistics MA students – please accept my and our entire team’s biggest congratulations on your graduation. It’s been a different year from what we all expected but you all worked extremely hard and now you have made it! As this chapter closes, it’s time for a new beginning and we all wish you the very best for your future!

Dr Zsófia Demjén, Applied Linguistics MA Programme Leader.

Wishing you every success

Dr Amanda Ince
Congratulations to all our Early Years MA and Primary Education MA students on your graduation. Well done! Wishing you every success in your next steps.

Dr Amanda Ince, Primary Education MA Programme Leader.

A very unique experience

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Dr Mary Richardson, Education (Assessment) MA Programme Leader, and Academic Head of Learning and Teaching for the Department of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment.

You have much to be proud of

IOE Professor Carol Vincent
Many congratulations to all those graduating today with a Masters in Policy Studies in Education! It has been a challenging year, but you have worked really hard and successfully, and have much to be proud of.  We hope that, despite the challenges, you have enjoyed and benefited from your time with us, and that you will continue to both feel part of UCL and maintain contact with your fellow students through the alumni network. For our part, we have really enjoyed meeting you and working with you, and wish you all the best in the future. Do stay in touch and let us know what you do next!  

Professor Carol Vincent, Policy Studies in Education MA Programme Leader.

You have risen above the challenges

Cosette Crisan (IOE)
Congratulations to all the Mathematics Education MA students on completing their fantastic learning journey. You have worked very hard, most of you juggling many other commitments at the same time. Well done! The MA team are proud of you!

You have risen above the challenges of this year and have worked beautifully together on the changemakers project to support your peers and future postgraduate students to make the most of studying remotely this year.

Thank you for sharing your journey with us, and all the best for the future. Continue to take on challenges like this in life and turn them into opportunities!

Dr Cosette Crisan, Mathematics Education MA Programme Leader.

Dear Drs,

Dr Sue Taylor
Huge congratulations on your successes. I would just like to convey how extremely proud I am of you all.

I completed my EdD at IOE in 2006 and therefore am completely aware of what a huge challenge a professional doctorate is, trying to juggle family and highly responsible professional roles alongside the rigour and challenges of doctoral study and research. Notwithstanding the additional challenges brought to us by the global pandemic impacting data collection. Your successes are testimony to your hard work and commitment.

There are many motivations reported for wanting to undertake a professional doctorate and many of you, having now successfully completed your EdD, might think you are at the end of your journey - it might be for now - but reflect in a month, a few months or a years or few years’ time, and you’ll probably realise that this is the start of a new journey. I wish you all well for the future!

Dr Sue Taylor, EdD Programme Leader.

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