UCL Research Department of Primary Care and Population Health
We undertake world-leading research in primary care, addressing the management and prevention of disease in high-priority areas of health. We deliver high-quality teaching in primary care and population health in a range of health and community settings.
Research Groups
Our research focuses on health issues which are top priorities for patients and for health services.
We research the entire life cycle of complex interventions, starting with understanding health problems from patients’ perspectives, and using a range of research approaches (including qualitative, quantitative, modelling and health economic methods) to develop, evaluate and implement interventions.
- Ageing
- eHealth Unit
- Mental Health
- Sexual Health and Infection
- Medical Education
- Clinical Capacity Building
Methodological Themes
Our research teams involve many different disciplines, including clinicians (doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, dentists), psychologists, epidemiologists, statisticians, sociologists, health economists, and patient and public representatives (Experts through Experience).
- PRIMENT Clinical Trials Unit (CTU)
- Health Economics Analysis and Research Team (HEART)
- Health Informatics and Electronic Health Records
- Centre for Excellence in Qualitative Health Research and Teaching
- Improvement and Implementation Science
- Intervention Development
- Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE)
We are a member of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) School for Primary Care Research (SPCR). Established in 2006, the SPCR is a partnership between nine leading academic centres for primary care research in England. The School brings together academics and practitioners from across the country to collaborate on cutting edge, topical primary care studies that have an impact both at policy level and in general practices around the country. Its aims are to increase the evidence base for primary care practice through high quality research and strategic leadership, and to build capacity in primary care with a well established training programme.