
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Health and Safety

Health and Safety information for UCL IEHC.

T100 in IEHC


Photograph of a desk with an apple and laptop.

What is T100?  

  • It is a meaningful and proportionate safety management system, which meets UCL H&S Policy.
  • It enables self-measurement of our performance, identifies areas for improvement and gives practical actions to help us do the right things.

What does this mean for IEHC?

  • Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care has been classed as low hazard which means that we will need to comply with a lighter version of T100, called T100 Lite.
  • We are required to complete a T100 Lite assessment within 12 months from now, as per UCL's Health & Safety Objectives.

What does this mean for me?

You must be aware:

  • that IEHC has a Responsible Persons Register (found on riskNET), where all DSE, First Aid, Fire Evacuation Marshals and other safety personnel are listed;
  • that IEHC has a Response and Contingency Plan, and you know what to do should there be an incident;
  • that you know what your safety responsibilities are as an individual, and relating to your role e.g. staff member, line manager, senior manager etc.;
  • and how to report an incident.


  • During 2023, staff from Safety Services will be assessing IEHC and will be asking a random selection of staff some key questions.
  • Please ensure you are familiar with all of the above and get ready to be tested!
T100 Toolkit

Policy & Planning

Induction & Training

Roles & Responsibilities

Risk Assessments

Measuring Performance

Accident Reporting & Investigation 

Health & Safety

Arrangements for safe working

PDF icon IEHC arrangements for safe working

Health and Safety Induction

All staff, postgraduate research students, and visitors must complete the following:

More information on safety training.

PDF iconPremises Fire Safety Handbook 1-19 Torrington Place

All staff must complete the mandatory training: UCL Safety Induction (e-learning)

Other mandatory training 

Mandatory training for staff

New staff are required to complete UCL’s mandatory training courses. Existing staff must periodically review and update mandatory training as required.

Why do you need to complete this training?

UCL is committed to ensuring a welcoming, safe and healthy working environment for all staff, students and visitors. Our mandatory training pathway and courses are designed to both support UCL’s compliance with institutional legal responsibilities, and to equip UCL staff with the knowledge to keep themselves, each other and the community safe.

Mandatory training forms part of the requirements of your probation, please review UCL's probation policy and mandatory training policy for further information.

Find out more here: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/human-resources/organisational-development/trainin...

Mandatory training for Doctoral Students

The Doctoral School has outlined a mandatory training programme for all doctoral students undertaking research at UCL. 

Find out more: https://www.grad.ucl.ac.uk/essinfo/training-for-doctoral-students/

    Health and Safety policies 
    Response and contingency plan

    Portable Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) are lightweight devices. They are easy to operate, designed to be used by any person with or without training. They are used when a casualty has a serious cardiac rhythm disturbance causing unconsciousness, such as a heart attack.

    How to find a defibrillator?

    30 Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) devices have been installed throughout the UCL Bloomsbury campus for use in emergency situations.

    An interactive map is available, via the following link, which will show the locations of the AED's across the campus:
