Career Progression
The following page offers Careers support for Staff and Careers support for Students.
Careers Support for Staff
UCL's HR Organisational development team, our Faculty and IEHC aims for staff to thrive by offering a comprehensive set of training courses and leadership development programmes, facilitated by industry leading trainers, as well as online learning and bespoke activities.
- View UCL's HR Learning and Development opportunities
- View Impact Case Studies of IEHC Careers Support and Development
Useful links:
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Secondment Guidance - for applications and advertisers
- Events for professional services staff
- Mandatory Training
- HR Single Training Booking System
- Organisational Development: for leadership/professional/research/doctoral skills and opportunities for technical staff
- Lynda: free online video tutorials in software, creative and business skills.
- Peer Dialogue Scheme: open to all staff who teach and/or support students' learning at UCL.
- Unconscious bias training
IEHC Careers Advice Surgeries
IEHC's Careers Advice Surgery is an opportunity for early career research, teaching and professional services staff (including postdoctoral fellows, RA's and PhD students etc) to obtain advice about career development in an informal and confidential setting from two senior staff.
Book a a place at an upcoming IEHC Careers Advice Surgery (password protected)
IEHC Early Career Researchers Forum
IEHC Early Career Researcher Forum (ECF) is an ongoing and expanding programme of regular seminars for postdoctoral researchers and PhD students across the IEHC Departments. The ECF events provide educational and networking opportunities to a wide audience of IEHC staff and students and encourage interdisciplinary interaction.
The aim of the ECF is to integrate the existing and emerging Institute activities for early career researchers.
One of the examples is a series of monthly talks for postdoctoral researchers and PhD students.
The ECF has organised roughly 30 seminars since 2013. Seminars and workshops have focused on academic job search, authorship and publishing, patient and public involvement in research, using social media in research (including film), how best PhD students can prepare for their viva, and oral and poster presentations. Forthcoming events will address academic career planning and development, mixed methods research, literature and systematic reviews, and other topics which are highly relevant for students and individuals early in their career.
If you would like to participate in ECF activities, share the information about the events at your Department, or suggest topics for future seminars, please get in touch via email: The ECF twitter handle is @IEHC_ECF.
UCL Careers support for Researchers
UCL Careers provides dedicated support for UCL’s researcher community – in collaboration with the UCL Organisational Development.
This includes:
- Research assistants
- Research students (MRes & PhD) and
- Postdoctoral research staff
Researchers have access to the range of services, resources and events highlighted on the three main areas of our site:
Visit UCL Careers Researchers webpages to find out more
Professional Qualifications and Organisations
- Arena One: for Postgraduate Teachings Assistants
- Arena Two: for Lecturers or probationary Teaching Fellows
- Arena Open: for professional services staff who support teaching. Please contact Faculty Arena Champion Leigh Kilpert ( for further details.
- ARMA is the professional association for research managers and administrators in the UK. Their mission is to enhance the profession of research management and administration, and to facilitate excellence in research through identifying, establishing and exchanging good practice in research management and administration.
- AUA's objective is to assist in the advancement of education by fostering sound methods of leadership, management and administration in FE/HE through education and training. For further information contact Annabel Brown (, Ruth Carter (, Katherine Fletcher ( and/or Frank Sowrey (
* note, external organisations often require a membership fee.
UCL Networks
- UCL Research Domains: The UCL Research Domains are large, cross-disciplinary research communities that span UCL and our partner organisations, fostering interaction and collaboration. By bringing together a critical mass of expertise, we can undertake internationally leading research in our key areas of strength.
- Populations & Lifelong Health Domain Early Careers Network: aims to inspire and support population health researchers from across UCL who are in the early stages of their career
- Athena SWAN: aims to assist the recruitment, retention and promotion of women in STEMM and promote good practice.
- Faculty Networks [link to section]: FPHS has established six cross-cutting professional networks to connect staff working/interested in the HR, Education, Finance & Research Admin, Comms & Marketing, PA and Research/Clinical Trials. The networks encourage staff to share best practice, facilitate cross-Faculty connections, and empower staff to effect change.
- Communities of Practice
- Green Champions
- Equality Networks
- Events Network
- PACT (Parents And Carers Together)
- UCL Astrea (for women in Professional Services)
- UCL Women for academic UCL staff (postdoc and above) in STEM
- UCL Research Domains: The UCL Research Domains are large, cross-disciplinary research communities that span UCL and our partner organisations, fostering interaction and collaboration. By bringing together a critical mass of expertise, we can undertake internationally leading research in our key areas of strength.
- Populations & Lifelong Health Domain Early Careers Network: aims to inspire and support population health researchers from across UCL who are in the early stages of their career
- Athena SWAN: aims to assist the recruitment, retention and promotion of women in STEMM and promote good practice.
- Faculty Networks [link to section]: FPHS has established six cross-cutting professional networks to connect staff working/interested in the HR, Education, Finance & Research Admin, Comms & Marketing, PA and Research/Clinical Trials. The networks encourage staff to share best practice, facilitate cross-Faculty connections, and empower staff to effect change.
- Communities of Practice
- Green Champions
- Equality Networks
- Events Network
- PACT (Parents And Carers Together)
- UCL Astrea (for women in Professional Services)
- UCL Women for academic UCL staff (postdoc and above) in STEM
Careers Support for Students
IEHC takes its responsibility to help students progress their career path very seriously and further to the below list of career related support initiatives for students, we regularly communicate career related events, workshops and opportunities to students.
Institute Careers Advice Surgery
The IEHC Careers Advice Surgery is an opportunity for students to obtain advice about career development in an informal and confidential setting from two senior academic staff.
The aim is to create an environment in which we can try and shed light on some of the more opaque aspects of scientific careers, and also to utilise the wide range of experience people across the Institute have accumulated.
Students from across the Institute are invited to book one of two 30 minutes appointments, which will take place each month.
Book a a place at an upcoming IEHC Careers Advice Surgery (password protected)
Faculty of Population Health Sciences Careers Afternoon
Our Faculty runs an annual careers afternoon which aims to introduce students from across the Faculty of Population Health Sciences to different career routes, and skills, qualifications and personal qualities needed to succeed in them.
A typical event involves a panel of internal and external speakers which reflect the diversity of options available to students. A previous years panel included speakers from KMPG, Public Health England, Doctors of the World, Save the Children and AbbVie Pharmaceuticals.
The event will be communicated to students via programme moodle announcements, email and IEHC and programme social media channels.
UCL Careers Service
Whether or not a student knows what they want to do when they complete their qualification, the programme staff and UCL's Careers service offer a tailored service to help advise, guide and inspire students.
They offer a series of Careers Consultant led information sessions specifically aimed at Research Degree students, which will be useful to students whose aim is either to get a job on completion of the programme or if they are aiming to stay in academia. A range of topics are covered and students are welcome to attend all or some of the events. These include:
- Planning Your Job Hunt
- How to Find and Fund a PhD
- Writing Effective Applications
- Applying for a PhD
- Using Social Media with Impact
- Succeeding at Interviews & Assessment Centres
- PhD Interviews
Students also have access to the following support via UCL's Careers service:
- Advice and Guidance (one-to-one appointments for CV writing)
- Events and Workshops (careers fairs and sector themed careers weeks)
- Find A Job (UCL JobOnline and UCLAlert!)
- Alumni Profiles