Confocal microscopy
Instruments & Booking
Book a System Request Training
Please select your imaging system below for further details.
All users must have an account on our booking system and have received training from the facility manager before using any facility equipment.
All under-graduates and Masters students must be supervised while using high end facility equipment such as confocals & live imaging systems. This should be by their primary supervisor or a postdoc.
Facility Access Fee: £25 per quarter. All users will be charged an access fee every 3 months for the use of any of the facility equipment. Full facility charges are detailed here: Using the Facility - Facility Charges.
Services available:
- user training
- experimental design
- sourcing of reagents and techniques; finding alternative approaches
- data acquisition
- data analysis - custom designed macros for automated analysis
- data presentation.
Funding and Acknowledgments
Please acknowledge use of the facility in all publications. Suggested text: Microscopy was performed at the Light Microscopy Core Facility, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health supported by the NIHR GOSH BRC award 17DD08.
The facility is funded in part by an award from the NIHR Great Ormond St Hospital BRC.