Non-UCL Students
Those who wish to pursue a work experience placement at UCL will normally do so via their school, college or higher education institution (or parent/ guardian in the case of home schooled children), who should contact the prospective host department directly.
Some students may have obtained paid bursaries from external foundations to conduct a work placement in a specialist discipline. Where students or parents/ guardians make direct contact with UCL, confirmation of all arrangements should be formalised through the respective school, college or higher education institution (except in the case of home schooled children).
Work experience placements must be planned to ensure the placement is of benefit to the student by engaging him/ her in a range of meaningful tasks. In advance of the placement, a Work Experience Agreement should be completed and sent to the school, college or higher education institution and the student undertaking work experience.
Staff who work with a person under 18 as part of a work placement or otherwise, must regardless of the requirement to have a DBS, comply with the UCL Guidelines for Working with Children and Vulnerable Adults and UCL Child Protection (Safeguarding) Policy
Young Person Work Experience - Guidance for Supervisors
Download UCL Work Experience Agreement
Further details & UCL’s Work Experience Placement Policy
For public liability purposes, please provide your CA or EA with the name of the work experience student whose visit will be recorded on the Service System so that UCL is covered in the event of an accident. The work experience student will not be given an access card and must be supervised at all times.
UCL Summer Studentships
There is a summer placement scheme for undergraduates currently registered at UCL. A call for Project Proposals is made in December. Project details are advertised on the GEE website together with instructions for applicants and links to Summer Studentship Bursary opportunities.
For Health & Safety purposes, you must arrange for your summer student to have a Health & Safety Induction.