The safety and wellbeing of all children and young people attending UCL Widening Participation activities is the responsibility of all UCL staff and students.
Everyone working on these activities must follow our child protection and safeguarding policy.
Our child protection documents
Our child protection policy covers our face-to-face and online activities.
Reporting a child protection concern
If you have a child protection concern in relation to a UCL Widening Participation activity you must report it.
Please download the Concern or Incident Reporting form below and complete it in as much detail as you can. Then send the report to the appropriate safeguarding contacts listed at the bottom of this webpage.
If you have a safeguarding concern about a young person, current applicant to UCL or a current student at UCL which is not related to a UCL Widening Participation activity, please refer to the UCL Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy.
UCL Widening Participation safeguarding contacts
Any child protection concerns about UCL Widening Participation activities must be reported to a Widening Participation Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO). If the concern could involve a potential allegation against a UCL staff member or a UCL student, it must be reported to a UCL HR safeguarding contact, with a Widening Participation DSO also copied in.
UCL Widening Participation Designated Safeguarding Officer contacts
Lucie March - Head of Access and Widening Participation -
Caroline Fionda Dedman - Access Manager -
Celine West - UCL East Schools Engagement Manager -
Jennifer Whitney - APP Project Manager -
Matt Lucas - Widening Participation Manager -
UCL HR Safeguarding contacts
Please refer to the UCL Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy.