
UCL Division of Biosciences



The UCL Research Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment (GEE) is part of the Division of Biosciences and the Faculty of Life Sciences. GEE traces its origins to the Department of Comparative Anatomy founded in 1826 and incorporates previous Departments of Biology, Botany, Microbiology, Zoology and the Galton Laboratory, the first Department of Genetics in the UK. GEE continues to be world-leading in the study of Evolutionary Biology, Human Genetics, Healthy Ageing and Biodiversity research, with over 40 research groups and some 200 Post-Docs, PhD Students and support staff.


From offering the first Zoology degree in Britain to being the first institute in the world to study human genetics as a science to its current ground breaking work in ecology and biodiversity, this research department has been instrumental in our understanding of Genetics, Evolution and the Environment.

From Robert Grant to the founders of modern statistical science, Karl Pearson and RA Fisher to John Maynard Smith and his work on game theory to Anne McLaren and her ground-breaking work in reproductive biology and many more. 

Today, GEE covers a very broad range of activity including biodiversity and environmental biology, the biology of ageing, microbiology, computational biology, evolution and development, evolutionary genetics, human genetics and human evolution. 

Research Department of Genetics, Evolution and Enviroment team photo outside Cumberland Lodge

Bumblebee on flower

Biodiversity: A UCL Priority

Our people and our history

GEE team at conference

Meet GEE

We are a diverse community of internationally recognised PIs, post-docs and PhD students undertaking research across a broad range of biologically related disciplines.

Peter Medawar at UCL

History of GEE

GEE has been home to some of the greatest figures of evolutionary biology and genetics from JBS Haldane, Peter Medawar and Sue Povey to our current world-leading scientists.

phd student and family at graduation

Become part of GEE

Our growing and vibrant research community is always looking for the brightest minds - see current opportunities from fellowships, PhDs and more.

GEE research centres

Lilac breasted roller

Centre for Biodiversity & Environment Research

CBER is one of the world’s leading research and training centres in ecology and biodiversity science, supporting the next generation of scholars and leaders.

image of human life cells

Centre for Life's Origins & Evolution

CLOE is an interdisciplinary centre that continues to progress UCL’s historic work in Evolutionary Biology using innovative technologies and methods.

image of bug up close

UCL Centre for Computational Biology

UCCB is an interdisciplinary centre of excellence for statistical and computational analysis of the fast-growing data available in genetics and biology.

UCL Institute of Healthy ageing worm image b&W

Institute of Healthy Ageing

The Institute of Healthy Ageing is a world-class centre of excellence for research focussed on the biology of ageing and ageing-related diseases.

genetic events underlying cancer development

UCL Genetics Institute

The UCL Genetics Institute carries out data science relating to the origin and evolution of modern humans, the genetic determinants of human diseases, crop improvement and pathogens.

Olympic Meadows Nigel Dunnett 500 x 800

People and Nature Lab at UCL East

The People and Nature Lab at UCL East is our new interdisciplinary applied research and teaching partnership to develop innovative approaches to support a more sustainable relationship between people and nature.


GEE research 

microscope up close

Research groups

Find out about the ground-breaking research work that is going on across the 40+ research groups which make up our department.

colourful beakers in lab

Research infrastructure

GEE's interdisciplinary research focus connects us to many others in UCL through various domains, networks and facilities.

Lunchbox lecture at UCL CBER

Early Careers Community

Our research department is home to a thriving community of Postdocs and Fellows supported by skills training, careers advice and more.


Our BSc/MSci degree programmes offer undergraduates the flexibility to study broadly across the biological sciences.

We offer a range of MSc and MRes programmes that utilise our expertise in evolutionary biology, genetics and ecology.

Become part of one of the largest and most active research environments for basic biological and biomedical research in the UK.



Policies & Procedures


Research Code of Conduct

UCL Code of Conduct for Research sets out general expectations of those conducting research in the name of UCL in terms of the management of research and standards of behaviour and integrity before, during and after completion of research



We work in close collaboration with the Division of Biosciences Equality Diversity and Inclusion Group to foster an inclusive and supportive environment, ensuring that everyone feels a strong sense of belonging and is empowered to flourish across all areas of their work and study. 


Kookabura bird

Staff Intranet

Key information and documents for staff





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Funnelback feed: https://cms-feed.ucl.ac.uk/s/search.json?collection=drupal-life-sciences...Double click the feed URL above to edit

Our Gower Street home

GEE’s main building stands on the site of Charles Darwin’s home on Gower Street in London.

Genetics Evolution & Environment
University College London
Darwin Building
99-105 Gower Street


GEE would like to thank Odra Noel for allowing us to use her artwork on our website. 

Gower Street Building staircase