Personal Tutors Anthropology
Your Personal Tutor is your primary contact for academic and pastoral support. They are a member of academic staff and, for new students, will be in touch in the first week of term to arrange a one-to-one meeting. You will see them at least once a term for meetings in which you can discuss your progress and seek advice on any problems you are facing. You can also get in touch with them at any time during your studies if you are in need of support on academic or pastoral matters. Even if they do not have the power or expertise help you directly, they can direct to you someone who does.
And for a rough guide of when expect meetings with your personal tutor, see the table below:

If you want support, you can contact your personal tutor at any time. If needed, your tutor can guide you to Student Wellbeing and you can book an appointment with psychological services.
Student Support and Wellbeing
This UCL team of expert wellbeing, disability and mental health staff provide a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space, in which you can discuss any issues that may be affecting your ability to study.
In this video there's all you need to know about SSW services at UCL. Additionally a new, revisited 'Here to Support You' guide is now available.
You can find contact details and services UCL offers on their website. These comprise therapeutic support and counselling, where you can register with student psychological services, wellbeing and mental health, crisis support and many more. They also offer a variety of free self-help resources.
Useful Contacts
Student Psychological Services
- Website Student Psychological Services
- Address: 3 Taviton St, London, WC1H 0BT
- Telephone: 020 7679 1487
Student Disability Services
- Student Disability Services
- Drop-in: Mondays and Wednesdays 2 – 4pm; Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 10.30 – 12.30pm
- Address: 40 Bedford Square, London, WC1H 0AL
- Telephone: 020 7679 0100
Students’ Union Advice Service
- Website Students’ Union Advice Service
- Drop-in: Mondays to Thursdays 10am – 1pm and 2 – 4pm
- Address: Floor 1, 15 Gordon Street London, WC1H 0AH
Useful Links
- The UCLU website contains information about student life and campaigns at UCL, their student sabbatical officers and general and specialised events. The Rights and Advice Service can be contacted here.
- Wellbeing and mental health
- The Mind website has helpful information about living with mental health problems or supporting someone to cope with their mental health.
- Refuge provides a list of services for supporting victims of domestic abuse and details of the 24hr National Domestic Abuse Helpline.
- Headspace provides mindfulness exercises to support mental health and wellbeing.
AskUCL is our self-help centre and student enquiry system designed to streamline the way we handle your enquiries. Have a question? Just askUCL.
Student Enquiries Centre
The team at the Student Enquiries Centre can advise you how to complete many UCL processes and how to access the core services that UCL provides.
Audacious Sociality
In the context of restricted opportunities to meet and hang out socially as we normally would, visit the audacious sociality moodle page. Audacious sociality encourages us to reach out to peers in new ways.
For Staff
The Student Triage and Referral Tool (STaRT) in Student and Registry Services provides a wealth of helpful resources.
Further staff information on Student Support and Wellbeing can be found here. There is also a very useful guide for UCL staff to support student’s mental health and wellbeing.