Class discrimination, also known as classism, is differential treatment, prejudice, or discrimination on the basis of social class or perceived social class. Social class refers to the grouping of individuals in hierarchies based on socio-economic factors including wealth, income, education, occupation, and social network. UCL recognizes that the institution’s student intake includes a relatively low proportion of first generation students, students from state school backgrounds, and from low-income households. In addition, there are gaps in outcomes for these groups once studying at UCL. The anthropology department is committed to recruiting and supporting first-generation and state-educated students from diverse backgrounds. The resources listed here intend to encourage and support students to apply to UCL through contextual offers, and set out how UCL will effect institutional change to address the retention and attainment gaps that appear once students are studying with us, through Access and Participation Plan and Careers Extra. The anthropology department runs AnthroSchools with the specific aim of widening participation. Throughout our degrees there is support available to students, such as writing and reading tutors, and the UCL student union provides a student based community through the First Generation Society.
UCL Relevant links:
‘UCL's Access and Widening Participation team offers an exciting range of visits, events and programmes for students in years 5-13 and adult learners who are under-represented in higher education. We also run activities for parents and carers, and teachers and educational professionals.’
‘In recent years, UCL has made positive steps towards improving access and the retention, progression and success of our students is good. However, we recognise that within our intake there is a relatively low proportion of students from key underrepresented groups and there are some gaps in outcomes for key groups once studying at UCL. This plan sets out how we intend to encourage and support students to apply to UCL, and how we will effect institutional change to address the retention and attainment gaps that appear once students are studying with us.’
UCL Careers Extra is a programme of additional activities and support for UK undergraduate students (home fee status) from the following groups who are currently studying at UCL:
- Neither parent went to university and you went to a UK state school
- Care leaver
- Carer
- Disabled
- Household income below £25,000 (as declared to Student Finance England)
- Black African, Black Caribbean or mixed Black African/White or Black Caribbean/White
- Received an Access UCL offer
Students who sign up to UCL Careers Extra will be added to a circulation list for targeted employer events and programmes.
They can also apply for bursaries to help cover the cost of undertaking internships and can access preferential booking for some UCL Careers events, longer careers appointments and extra careers events that are exclusive to UCL Careers Extra students.
AnthroSchools is a widening participation initiative to broaden the pathway of talented students into university. As part of our efforts to be a more inclusive and anti-racist department, we are committed to making anthropology more accessible, especially to non selective state school audiences.
Financial Assistance at UCL
Support to UCL students who are in unexpected financial need.
Cash loans of up to £250 are available to students who have experienced a delay in their normal funding being paid.
Support for research students who, due to unforeseen circumstances, have their sponsorship interrupted or completely withdrawn.
Other resources (non-UCL)
- The Scholarship Hub: First in your family to go to University?
- Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust
- Toynbee Hall
Working with Communities in East London. Services Include Help and Advice, Center, Learning and Activities, Community Services.
FfWG offers Foundation Grants to help women graduates with their living expenses (not fees) while registered for study or research at an approved institution of higher education in Great Britain. The criteria are the proven needs of the applicant and her academic calibre. Foundation Grants will only be given for the final year of a PhD or DPhil.